results for Pistol L2 BEP september

Open Standard Production Classic Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 304.3932 Vidar Andreassen Standard+ - NOR U wolf1911 BSK
2 83.25 253.4103 Ove Toranger Standard- - NOR U smileyface BEP
3 75.96 231.2091 Arve Andersen Standard- - NOR U BSU
4 75.12 228.6597 Petter Kjekshus Standard- - NOR U cookie BSK
5 51.31 156.1940 Carl-Magnus Nilsen Standard- J NOR U KVP
6 41.08 125.0406 Hege Karlsen Standard- L NOR U KVP
7 36.42 110.8501 Kåre Sundland Standard- - NOR U BPK
8 35.35 107.6106 Iselin Winther Standard- L NOR U Bergen Pistolklubb
9 23.16 70.5075 John Skauge Standard- - NOR U BSK
10 17.66 53.7705 Arne Sletteng Standard- - NOR U KVP
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