First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 565.0000 Ted Åhlenius Production- - SWE M ted SPSF
2 78.32 442.5117 Johan Norberg Production- - SWE U jorma IPSC Smedjan
3 73.37 414.5128 Erik NotKnown Production- - SWE U scoreman NLT PSK
4 72.56 409.9904 Anton Grimm Production- - SWE U labban Team ONYX
5 72.32 408.6198 Emil Kantelius Production- - SWE U eka Team ONYX
6 70.31 397.2644 Stefan Enoksson Production- - SWE U enok TSKF
7 70.31 397.2412 Jonny Örje Production- - SWE U garlengreen East Coast Dynamic Shooters
8 68.83 388.9025 Robert Isaksson Production- - SWE U icepoint IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
9 68.58 387.4951 Kalle Frimodt Production- - SWE U stomper TSKF
10 68.40 386.4517 Vinko Rosic Production- - SWE U vince Stockholms LVF
11 66.23 374.2160 Torkel Persson Production- - SWE U mrdae Södertörns SK
12 65.22 368.5102 Marjan Angelovski Production- - SWE U marang SPSF
13 65.01 367.3118 Daniel Nordström Production- - SWE U nordstrom Team ONYX
14 64.66 365.3170 Kevork Normanian Production- - SWE U kevno SSK
15 62.64 353.8908 Per Larsson Production- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
16 61.97 350.1154 Mattias Skatteboe Production- - SWE U skatteboe Team ONYX
17 61.23 345.9756 Marc Glenros Production- - SWE U glensven East Coast Dynamic Shooters
18 61.15 345.4832 Jim Berglund Production- S SWE U yamakomori NLTPSK
19 60.91 344.1465 Alexander Sjöberg Production- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
20 60.67 342.7853 Hannes Kantelius Production- - SWE U kanha Team ONYX
21 59.75 337.6077 Anders Kronhamn Production- - SWE U Salems PK
22 59.34 335.2696 Niklas Lepistö Production- - SWE U pelkzor GPSK
23 59.14 334.1533 Patrik Lundell Production- - SWE U TSKF
24 58.95 333.0891 Mathias Johansson Production- - SWE U mathjo Team ONYX
25 58.71 331.7246 Johan Önnesjö Production- - SWE U swampen Stockholms LVF
26 58.51 330.6079 Jonas Kedland Production- - SWE U elevenmike Rosersberg
27 58.39 329.8770 Mikael Palmgren Production- S SWE U mrp Rosersberg
28 58.22 328.9297 Anders Severinsson Production- - SWE U seve Stockholms LVF
29 57.31 323.8280 Anders Engstrand Production- S SWE U aed Livgardets Skytteförening
30 56.39 318.5765 Håkan Borgström Production- - SWE U S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
31 56.26 317.8541 Josef Yousefian Production- - SWE U joyo VDS
32 55.02 310.8723 Jim Andersson Production- - SWE U jga81 IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
33 54.15 305.9610 Kristian Abrahamsson Production- - SWE U blixzen Team ONYX
34 54.14 305.8825 John Glenros Production- - SWE U svenglen East coast dynamic shooters
35 53.06 299.7697 Hans Nilsson Production- - SWE U snowcrash NLT PSK
36 52.74 297.9895 Carl Dahlman Production- - SWE U carld TSKF
37 52.17 294.7550 Lars Andreasson Production- S SWE U land Örlb Skf
38 52.11 294.4492 Anders Pettersson Production- - SWE U lanyc Stockholms LVF
39 51.74 292.3306 Lo Kruth Production- - SWE U kruth TSKF
40 51.52 291.1094 Victor Hahn Production- J SWE U arza Ballongbergets SKF
41 51.28 289.7289 Mattias Wahtramäe Production- - SWE U mattiasw TSKF
42 51.11 288.7982 Jonas Svedberg Production- - SWE U decoy TSKF
43 50.79 286.9732 Erik Jerilgård Production- - SWE U Örlb Skf
44 50.28 284.0805 Niklas Faltin Production- - SWE U faltin IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
45 49.48 279.5876 Jim Brännlund Production- - SWE U snoddas Stockholms LVF
46 49.09 277.3792 Henrik Grip Production- - SWE U henkgriffin VDS
47 48.74 275.4021 David Mandelin Production- - SWE U davman Södertörns SK
48 47.96 270.9949 Jacob Jacob Production- - SWE U ipa TSKF
49 47.39 267.7400 Torbjörn Gebrat Production- - SWE U elperegrino Uppsala DS
50 46.40 262.1731 Thomas Hammarstrom Production- SS SWE U bowyertom TSKF
51 45.68 258.1043 Pontus Persson Production- - SWE U poppowisch IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
52 45.57 257.4552 Tony Grepp Production- S SWE U thermo TSKF
53 44.91 253.7628 Weine Samuelsson Production- SS SWE U wesa LSC
54 43.45 245.4647 Stefan Brostedt Production- - SWE U xet S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
55 42.23 238.5932 Bengt Siverling Production- - SWE U svingaling Ballongberget Skf
56 41.35 233.6132 Mikael Beckman Production- S SWE U beckmanegger IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
57 40.95 231.3633 Eva Andersson Production- L SWE U TSKF
58 40.89 231.0463 Tim Johansson Production- - SWE U timjoh Örlb Skf
59 39.01 220.4113 Billy Broberg Production- - SWE U badbilly Ballongberget Skf
60 38.84 219.4439 Martin Lagerström Production- - SWE U mlag Sthlm m&p
61 38.04 214.9522 Therese Fleetwood Production- L SWE U fleetwood Stockholms LVF
62 36.43 205.8175 Jonas Sköldberg Production- - SWE U TSKF
63 33.38 188.6210 Mats Nyman Production- - SWE U Örlb Skf
64 32.39 183.0211 Nina Bjurholm Production- L SWE U Örlb Skf
65 30.94 174.7966 Niklas Jernström Production- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
66 25.06 141.5794 Tommy Johansson Production- S SWE U
67 21.15 119.5092 Harri Salo Production- S SWE U TSKF
68 7.34 41.4794 Peter Sandberg Production- - SWE U wekurtz Team ONYX
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