results for 201/06/217 CUP match

Open Standard Production Classic Combined compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 250.0000 Albert Wessels Classic- - ZAF U PPPSC
2 75.42 188.5609 Jurgens Schoeman Classic+ - ZAF U Skietbaan
3 72.43 181.0663 Gerrit-Jan Bakker Standard- - ZAF U Vektor
4 69.17 172.9268 Danie Swanepoel Standard- - ZAF U
5 64.44 161.0957 Tazio Resca Open- - ZAF U taz Premier
6 64.42 161.0582 Marques Mendonca Production- - ZAF U
7 58.00 145.0039 Jean-Pierre De Meillon Production- - ZAF U Skietbaan
8 50.81 127.0342 Gunther Swart Production- - ZAF U
9 49.06 122.6614 Pieter Pienaar Standard- S ZAF U Skietbaan
10 46.33 115.8294 Tino Van Der Schyff Standard- - ZAF U
11 45.77 114.4359 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- - ZAF U rohan
12 42.97 107.4260 Esti Bender Standard- L ZAF U Skietbaan
13 33.55 83.8639 Ian Carr Classic+ S ZAF U Premier, Skietbaan
14 33.16 82.8947 Johann Koekemoer Production- - ZAF U
15 31.91 79.7803 De Wet Linde Production- - ZAF U Skietbaan
16 30.97 77.4309 Craig Patrick Production- - ZAF U Skietbaan
17 26.90 67.2435 Graham Van Der Merwe Production- - ZAF U graham
18 9.44 23.6036 Willem (Bossie) Boshoff Standard- - ZAF U Skietbaan
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