First name
Last name
1 100.00 558.0628 Niclas Dal Standard- S SWE U nickeklick SPSF
2 92.53 516.3980 Ricardo Soler Standard- - SWE U rickipick SSK
3 89.66 500.3819 Robert Rob Andersson Standard- - SWE U rad SSK
4 88.08 491.5520 Johan Skogh Standard- - SWE U skogh Sandvikens PSK
5 82.38 459.7344 Jonas Johansson Standard+ - SWE U goliat RPS
6 73.80 411.8537 Anders Hansson Standard- - SWE U hansson1977 SPSF
7 71.93 401.3977 Marcus Keife Standard- - SWE C kobayashi Rosersberg
8 70.49 393.3855 Daniel Hofmann Standard- - SWE U dadawg SSK/Södertörns Skytteklubb
9 69.69 388.9134 Alex Roos Standard- - SWE U aroos SPSF
10 68.98 384.9754 Peter Stavling Standard+ S SWE C peter997s Stockholms LVF
11 68.42 381.8476 Martin Quensel Standard- - SWE U wooflock SPSF
12 67.03 374.0873 Mikael Eriksson Standard+ - SWE U wiban Smedsbo PK
13 66.46 370.8823 Stefan Kristersson Standard- S SWE C stefan Smedsbo PK
14 64.28 358.7499 Johan Nilsson Standard- - SWE U nilsson1911 IPSC Västerås
15 63.43 353.9620 Timmy Kallin Standard- - SWE U ctk9mm SLVF
16 62.71 349.9881 Anders Staaf Standard- - SWE U staafen Enköpings Förenade Skyttesällskap
17 59.72 333.2825 Nicklas Persson Standard+ - SWE U ahakille FöUtb
18 58.99 329.2078 Dennis Husell Standard- - SWE U denho Smedsbo PK
19 56.41 314.7809 Björn Bekkouche Standard- - SWE U UVPSK
20 55.18 307.9321 Kristian Jansson Standard- - SWE U kristian SPSF
21 54.61 304.7770 Azir Butt Standard- - SWE U azir SPSF
22 54.48 304.0050 Dennis Teir Standard- - SWE U dete SPSF
23 50.24 280.3579 Johan Sjödin Standard- - SWE U festokid Smedsbo PK
24 48.31 269.6137 Joakim Mellberg Standard+ - SWE U superflow Smedsbo PK
25 47.96 267.6376 Markus Nylander Standard+ - SWE U SPSF
26 46.20 257.8353 Kurt-Åke Kallin Standard+ - SWE U cuz40sw SLVF
27 44.38 247.6512 Pär Öhrberg Standard- - SWE U mrkitty Smedsbo PK
28 43.46 242.5091 Johnathan Browall Nordström Standard- - SWE U SPSF
29 41.93 234.0190 Johan Bergh Standard+ - SWE U racenordic FöUtb
30 39.23 218.9515 Mathias Johansson Standard- - SWE U majo75 SPSF
31 35.29 196.9399 Bert-Ove Kristensen Standard- S SWE U draken66 SPSF
32 28.57 159.4529 Stefan Jakobsson Standard- - SWE U Södertäljepolisen
33 22.08 123.2473 Frederic Lindahl Standard+ - SWE U fredda Smedsbo PK
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