First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 741.1378 Dylan Bradford Open+ - ZAF A dillythekid PMPSC
2 96.77 717.1875 Justin Peacock Custom+ - ZAF U Golden City / CGPSA
3 95.30 706.3313 Eddie Smith Open+ S ZAF U Golden City
4 91.77 680.1727 Fabian Scott Standard+ - ZAF A Spartan
5 88.31 654.4912 Kenny Van Der Merwe Custom+ S ZAF U Golden City
6 86.60 641.8380 Pieter Bouwer Open+ - ZAF U pieter Golden City
7 85.86 636.3268 Jose Cardoso Standard+ - ZAF U Spartan
8 84.29 624.7021 Kenny Van Der Merwe Open+ S ZAF U Golden City
9 79.75 591.0357 Hendrik Engelbrecht Custom- S ZAF U hendrik MPSA
10 78.91 584.8486 Neelesh Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U golden city
11 76.56 567.3830 James Selwyn Vaughan Open+ - ZAF B jimv CG524
12 76.44 566.5044 Albert Wessels Classic- - ZAF U PPPSC
13 76.37 566.0331 Frikkie Streicher Custom- - ZAF U frikkiwitz GCPSC
14 75.16 557.0310 Hendrik Engelbrecht Production- S ZAF U TEKS
15 73.03 541.2453 Freddie Labuschagne Standard+ - ZAF U freddie Vaal triangle
16 72.26 535.5534 Johan Wheeler Classic- - ZAF U Vektor
17 71.85 532.4831 Peter Holmes Open+ S ZAF U pistol Spartan
18 71.20 527.6805 Sean Flannigan Production- - ZAF U CG3807
19 71.09 526.8710 Daniel Matic Production- - ZAF B stander GCPSC
20 70.69 523.9365 Richard Eales Open+ - ZAF D NG3571
21 69.74 516.8579 Austen Stockbridge Classic- - ZAF A Premier Shooting Club
22 69.46 514.8254 Leroy Barter Custom+ S ZAF C Golden City
23 69.36 514.0195 Mark Neves Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
24 68.68 509.0202 Craig John Aspden Production- - ZAF U golden city
25 68.03 504.1625 Clive Pedersen Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
26 68.02 504.0963 Mark Neves Custom+ - ZAF U Golden City
27 66.56 493.3309 André Van Tonder Standard+ S ZAF U Visitor
28 65.56 485.8875 Wayne Hammond Classic- S ZAF A rogue Golden City
29 65.41 484.7685 ALLeN-ChengZhi Xia Production- - ZAF U
30 64.86 480.7000 Steven Wells Production- - ZAF B Spartan Arms
31 64.76 479.9271 Frikkie Streicher Production- - ZAF U frikkiwitz GCPSC
32 64.61 478.8177 Bradford Thomas Henstock Open+ S ZAF U brad Golden City
33 64.14 475.3903 Colin Amm Standard+ SS ZAF U GOLDEN CITY
34 62.91 466.2423 Leroy Barter Open+ S ZAF C Golden City
35 61.98 459.3693 cHris Marais Open+ SS ZAF U Goldencity
36 61.76 457.7332 Walter Dajee Open+ S ZAF U daj SNIPERS Practical Shooting Club
37 59.87 443.7538 William De Jager Classic- - ZAF U onespeed NW994
38 59.37 439.9790 Lionel Marks Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
39 59.22 438.8691 Abraham Jansen Van Vuuren Classic- S ZAF U PMPSC
40 58.44 433.1237 Darryl Flannigan Production- - ZAF U CG3808
41 58.29 432.0033 Jonathan Van Graan Production- - ZAF U Spartan arms
42 58.05 430.2357 Walter Dajee Custom+ S ZAF U daj SNIPERS Practical Shooting Club
43 57.45 425.7987 Christiaan du Plessis Classic- - ZAF A riaan CG4150
44 56.50 418.7606 Ronel Barter Custom+ L ZAF C Golden City
45 56.50 418.7268 Brent John Aspden Custom+ - ZAF U golden city
46 56.36 417.7012 Husain Haffejee Production- - ZAF U Golden City
47 56.24 416.8513 Ronel Barter Open+ L ZAF C Golden City
48 56.07 415.5478 Brian SC Liu Production- - ZAF U CG4974
49 54.70 405.3857 Brent John Aspden Production- - ZAF U golden city
50 54.37 402.9767 Johan Venter Production- - ZAF U Golden City
51 54.21 401.7866 Coert Erasmus Standard+ S ZAF C Golden City
52 54.11 401.0130 Deming Su Production- - ZAF U Golden City
53 52.69 390.5138 Lei (Charlie) Cheng Production- - ZAF U golden city
54 51.20 379.4919 Schalk Du Plessis Production- - ZAF U schalk Golden City
55 49.91 369.9042 Sean O'Donovan Standard+ S ZAF U GCity
56 49.61 367.6743 Theunis Kruger Standard- - ZAF U GCPSA
57 49.15 364.2574 Rahul Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U golden city
58 47.92 355.1809 Keith Christopher Askham Open+ SS ZAF U jetjungle Golden City
59 47.47 351.7959 Shyam Jagwanth Production- - ZAF U Golden City
60 46.77 346.5999 Daniel McWilliam Production- - ZAF U Golden City
61 46.20 342.3921 Richard Westley Standard+ SS ZAF U Golden City
62 45.60 337.9941 Lance Katz Standard- - ZAF U Golden city
63 45.60 337.9603 Cheyenne Lentz Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
64 45.46 336.9526 Enver Tim Standard+ SS ZAF U golden city
65 44.90 332.7384 Kevin Trollip Production- - ZAF U GCPSC
66 44.14 327.1204 Craig John Aspden Custom- - ZAF U golden city
67 44.12 326.9830 Anthony Kruger Custom+ S ZAF U tony CG4991
68 43.57 322.9264 Mahomed Doola Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
69 42.67 316.2429 Mark Atkins Open- S ZAF C Spartan Arms
70 42.59 315.6337 Estelle Westley Production- L ZAF U Golden City
71 42.23 312.9571 Brendan Callaghan Production- - ZAF U
72 41.75 309.3987 Jorge Martins Goncalves Standard- - ZAF U
73 41.52 307.7309 Steven Barrett Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
74 40.98 303.7365 Dan Levin Open- - ZAF D Golden City
75 39.99 296.4104 Nicholas Quail Production- - ZAF U trexoquail Golden City
76 39.63 293.6767 Christoffel Du Toit Production- - ZAF U Kraaifontein
77 38.66 286.5027 Paul Stanley Classic- - ZAF U Ihawu
78 38.27 283.6101 Zaid Iqbal Khan Production- - ZAF U Golden city
79 37.46 277.6641 Sebella O'Donovan Standard+ L ZAF U GCity
80 37.37 276.9275 Alan Norton Production- SS ZAF U Golden City
81 34.09 252.6654 Anthony Kruger Open+ S ZAF U tony CG4991
82 33.82 250.6520 Andre Moll Production- - ZAF U Golden City
83 30.21 223.8762 Jan Strydom Production- - ZAF D Teks Shooting Club
84 30.00 222.3634 Stuart Olivier Production- - ZAF U ERSC
85 28.57 211.7357 Nadeem Bhyat Production- S ZAF U Golden City
86 28.31 209.8304 Michel Marks Standard+ - ZAF U VPSC
87 27.35 202.7143 Hishaam Iqbal Khan Standard- J ZAF U Golden city
88 27.19 201.5356 Lynn Aspden Production- L ZAF U golden city
89 27.08 200.6837 Vaughn Thom Production- - ZAF U Golden City
90 25.52 189.1498 Mingsong-James Hu Production- S ZAF U Golden City
91 25.07 185.7724 Mark Fuhr Standard+ S ZAF U
92 24.26 179.7798 Gugu Bohali Production- - ZAF U CG4956
93 23.71 175.7139 Guy Donald Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
94 22.97 170.2315 Andrew Jearey Production- - ZAF U Golden City
95 22.71 168.2969 Bruce Di Zhang Production- - ZAF U CG4203
96 21.60 160.0514 Lynn Aspden Custom- - ZAF U golden city
97 21.23 157.3436 Lindzey Van Aswegan Standard+ - ZAF U ERSC
98 20.45 151.5561 Ronnie Van Der Merwe Open- - ZAF U Golden City
99 20.02 148.3772 Gareth Moll Production- - ZAF U Golden City
100 11.59 85.9028 Larise Dicken Production- L ZAF U GCPSC
101 11.18 82.8501 Robert Eales Production- J ZAF U Premier 303
102 8.79 65.1635 Michael Meyers Production- - ZAF U GC 1396
103 4.08 30.2408 Michael Hitge Open+ SS ZAF U
104 0.37 2.7668 Malcolm Cox Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
105 0.00 0.0000 Lloyd Wyman Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
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