results for Kullens PK - KM Standard

Standard Standard Senior Combined Compare statistics results return
First name
Last name
1 100.00 501.5686 Pär Hylander Standard- - SWE U hylander LaholmsPSK
2 99.16 497.3770 Faj Tran Standard+ - SWE U fajsan KULLEN IPSC
3 94.15 472.2383 Carl Schultze Standard- - SWE U schultze MSG
4 88.68 444.7873 Daniel Denwood Standard- - SWE U doubledelta Kullens PK
5 87.41 438.4046 Jonas Ardemalm Standard- - SWE U ard KullensPK
6 87.23 437.4984 Peter Ardemalm Standard+ - SWE U snakeeye KullensPK
7 87.18 437.2452 Joakim Bossner Standard+ - SWE U bossner Kullens PK
8 86.71 434.9331 Tomas Svalö Standard- - SWE U tomme Kullens pk
9 85.67 429.6874 Klas Ekegren Standard- - SWE U oaken LaholmsPSK
10 81.83 410.4360 Kristian Söderström Standard- - SWE U macmyran LaholmsPSK
11 81.35 408.0235 Roger Wysiecki Standard+ - SWE U majtii MSG
12 79.03 396.4058 Ola Carlsson Standard+ - SWE U ola944 YDSKF
13 75.75 379.9163 Matheos Parasidis Standard+ - SWE C macki Kullens Pk
14 72.72 364.7422 Nicola Lo Presti Standard- - SWE U nixi MSG
15 71.38 358.0304 Mats Ahlqvist Standard- S SWE U matti MSG
16 70.89 355.5667 Anders Zander Standard- - SWE U masterwelder Kullens PK
17 69.14 346.7603 Boris Nilsson Standard+ S SWE U mazer MSG
18 61.22 307.0711 Dorothea Denwood Standard- L SWE U dorothea Kullens PK
19 59.77 299.7644 Mikael Floberg Standard- - SWE U mickeys Kullens PK
20 58.99 295.8568 Jonnie Nilsson Standard- - SWE U nilsson YDSKF
21 58.82 295.0207 Alexander Perlman Standard- - SWE U slutbossen Kullens PK
22 57.74 289.6199 Dan Berglund Standard- - SWE U danvonberg Kullens PK
23 56.35 282.6155 Pontus Johansson Standard- - SWE U Kullens pk
24 55.10 276.3782 Bo Jansson Standard- S SWE U boaw Kullens PK
25 53.72 269.4404 Jonas Wallgren Standard- - SWE U dexter Lunds PK
26 51.74 259.4943 Daniel Hansson Standard- - SWE U MSG
27 51.45 258.0784 Greger Kontojoki Standard- - SWE U MSG
28 50.30 252.3120 Kim Brink Standard- - SWE U brink Kullens pk
29 48.05 240.9935 Ola Malmqvist Standard- - SWE U
30 46.41 232.7906 Tim Paulsson Standard- - SWE U KullensPK
31 44.75 224.4670 Henrik Rosenkvist Standard- - SWE U Lunds pk
32 43.66 218.9864 Mikael Olofsson Standard- - SWE U MSG
33 43.64 218.8668 Albin Hylander Standard- J SWE U hylanderjunior LaholmsPSK
34 34.70 174.0473 Sanna Almgren Standard+ L SWE U sanna Kristianstads PK
35 30.46 152.7567 Richard Karolko Standard- S SWE U MSG
36 24.99 125.3448 Örjan Tollbom Standard- SS SWE U oldiebutgoldie ESKF
37 22.82 114.4392 Bassel Afara Standard- - SWE U bassel KullensPK
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