results for Sds_Bodø indoor outdoor? Time will show!

Production Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 473.1103 Geir Kvæl Production- - NOR U SDS
2 93.07 440.3449 Simon Engan Production- - NOR U SDS
3 89.32 422.6044 Freddy Eriksen Production- - NOR C eriks1 SDS
4 79.69 377.0340 Christian Følvik Production- - NOR U SDS
5 74.15 350.8238 Finn Arne Følvik Production- - NOR U SDS
6 72.67 343.7929 Odd Marius Ulvang Production- - NOR U SDS
7 64.43 304.8238 Kent-Ole Edvardsen Production- - NOR U SDS
8 41.15 194.6730 Torfinn Langwell Production- - NOR U SDS
9 39.84 188.5058 Dag Ramsvik Production- - NOR U SDS
10 33.74 159.6230 Morten Reintz Production- - NOR U SDS
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