First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 247.7009 Dimitri Mourtzios Production- - ZAF U Skietbaan
2 91.81 227.4179 Jean-Pierre De Meillon Production- - ZAF U Skietbaan
3 81.30 201.3699 George Hakim Production- S ZAF U george skietbaan.co.za
4 73.08 181.0181 Craig Patrick Production- - ZAF U Skietbaan
5 64.57 159.9450 Gerrit Lötter Production- - ZAF U gerrit Skietbaan
6 53.90 133.5008 Charel De Bruyn Production- - ZAF U
7 53.80 133.2518 Altus Janse Van Rensburg Production- - ZAF U SOSC
8 48.01 118.9261 Johan Theron Production- - ZAF U Skietbaan
9 31.49 77.9962 André Lochner Production- S ZAF U andrelochner Skietbaan
10 30.85 76.4252 Tanya Kieser Production- - ZAF U skietbaan.co.za
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