First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 702.1036 Tåbbe Asplind Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U aspen SPSF
2 87.12 611.6400 Mikael Jung Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U jung Växjö PK
3 84.36 592.3293 Johan Werner Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U Security Group Dynamics
4 77.34 543.0131 Carl Schultze Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U schultze MSG
5 70.80 497.1102 Joakim Rudensten Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U jr528swed LSC
6 70.14 492.4823 Mats Ahlqvist Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U matti MSG
7 61.12 429.1453 Tobias Ekenstråle Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U tek GDS
8 56.23 394.7728 Mikael Larsson Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U oddball UPSF
9 54.42 382.0917 William Hagman Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U williamson GDS
10 54.07 379.6547 Von Batti Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U vonbatti SSK
11 50.39 353.7738 Erik von Konow Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U konow GDS
12 48.98 343.8657 Daniel Andersson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U GPIF
13 44.16 310.0697 Marcus Rosengren Semi-Auto Limited+ - SWE U mediocre MSG
14 42.93 301.3936 Stefan Wallberg Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U stenhuggarn Gds
15 40.72 285.8844 Johannes Lantz Semi-Auto Limited+ - SWE U motorman Ystads DSKF
16 10.40 72.9919 Mats O. Bäckström Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U dalmas4 MSG
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