First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 678.3749 Jacob Larsen Classic- - DNK U mechanic SSIN
2 92.30 626.1262 Andreas Kraling Classic- - SWE U glock999 MSG
3 89.57 607.6155 Tomas Svalö Classic- - SWE U tomme Kullens pk
4 75.56 512.6092 Tomas Hellström Classic- - SWE U hellstorm MSG
5 69.84 473.7461 Eric Ericsson Classic+ - SWE U sweaa KullensPK
6 69.83 473.7317 Mark Weisinger Classic- S DNK U mark1 CPS
7 56.46 382.9995 Anders Zander Classic- - SWE U masterwelder Kullens PK
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