First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 591.9620 Tobias Henriksson Open+ - SWE U monthe Växjö PK
2 99.63 589.7738 Henrik Lerfeldt Open+ S DNK M bookkeeper SSIN
3 97.85 579.2291 Faj Tran Open+ - SWE U fajsan KULLEN IPSC
4 92.07 545.0014 Tobias NotKnown Open+ - DNK U SSIN/KMP
5 90.43 535.2889 Robert Kunst Open+ S SWE U bangatbeep Nybro PK
6 87.73 519.3470 Mikael Jung Standard+ - SWE U jung Växjö PK
7 85.48 505.9983 Magnus Johansson Production- - SWE U sigsauer Växjö PK
8 84.94 502.8343 Andreas Karlsson Standard+ - SWE U badass40 Nybro
9 84.32 499.1506 Ola Carlsson Open+ - SWE U ola944 ÖPK
10 80.88 478.7860 Joakim Classon Production Optics- S SWE U glockproduction Kristianstads PK
11 79.72 471.9400 Daniel Denwood Standard+ - SWE U doubledelta Kullens PK
12 79.39 469.9397 Khaled Abdulkarim Open+ - DNK U SSIN, BVS, KS
13 78.76 466.2108 Jonas Ardemalm Production- - SWE U ard KullensPK
14 78.50 464.6918 Göran Majvall Open+ S SWE U skaning MSG
15 76.61 453.5210 Magnus Söderlind Standard- - SWE U manne Växjö PK
16 76.05 450.1949 Selcuk Kahraman Production- - DNK U selo cps/SAS / Ks
17 75.53 447.1317 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE U schultze MSG
18 75.38 446.2441 Kim Brink Open+ - SWE U brink Kullens pk
19 73.46 434.8356 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK U jan63 SSIN
20 72.28 427.8718 Gert Erling Hansen Classic+ SS DNK B bossman Nyk.sj. SSIN
21 72.13 426.9936 Peter Ardemalm Standard+ - SWE U snakeeye KullensPK
22 70.39 416.6895 Kristian Söderström Production- S SWE U macmyran LaholmsPSK
23 70.15 415.2359 Magnus Pihlqvist Production- - SWE U pilen Nybro
24 69.29 410.1813 Christian D. Jensen Production- S DNK U stagebum Copenhagen Practical Shooters
25 66.34 392.6922 Kent Westerlund Standard- - SWE U kwesen Klinte SKG
26 65.61 388.4080 Jesper Håkansson Standard- - SWE U jpha Kristianstads PK
27 65.15 385.6685 Toni Kaic Open+ - SWE U kaic LaholmsPSK
28 63.62 376.6012 Håkan T Söderholm Classic- - SWE U semperprimus Österlens PK
29 63.33 374.9065 Lars Jönsson Open- SS SWE U znake Kristianstads PK
30 62.95 372.6301 Dennis Martlev Production- S DNK U smartlev Copenhagen Practical Shooters
31 62.18 368.0611 Erik Sandell Standard- S SWE C sandell Nybro PK
32 61.99 366.9435 Jerry Pettersson Production- - SWE U laerkkan Växjö PK
33 61.94 366.6902 Bertil Nilsson Production- S SWE U grinchen MSG
34 61.10 361.6860 Sonny Stenström Standard- - SWE U ess Visborgs SKF
35 60.92 360.5999 Kim Sundling Production- - SWE U Österlens Pistolklubb
36 60.84 360.1624 Ole Victor Production- S SWE U oahv Nybro PK
37 59.84 354.2429 Christer Siverud Open- S SWE U christer Nybro PK
38 59.81 354.0600 Tomas Edlund Production- - SWE U Eksjö dynamiska skyttar
39 59.28 350.9025 Mattias V Production- - SWE U mavog MSG
40 58.85 348.3675 Roger Tiensuu Standard- S SWE C rogert Växjö Pk
41 58.79 347.9924 Hänry Bengtsson Production Optics- - SWE U hanry1536 Jönköpings PK
42 58.38 345.5614 Klas Ekegren Production- - SWE U oaken LaholmsPSK
43 58.31 345.1907 Ulrik Saxhøj Production- - DNK U jafro Slagelse
44 58.07 343.7528 Paul Wood Production- - SWE U woody LSC
45 57.82 342.2742 Bengt Petersson Production- S SWE U bengan KPIF
46 57.69 341.4783 Mikael Eneskär Standard+ - SWE U twowheels YDSKF
47 56.54 334.6694 Ingemar Lundgren Production- - SWE C torshammare Jönköping pistolskytteklubb
48 55.02 325.6972 Kent Holm Standard- S DNK U kent1 SSIN
49 54.50 322.6008 Daniel Müller Production- - SWE U kalleanka Kristianstads PK
50 54.04 319.8796 Otto Persson Production- - SWE U oper MSG
51 52.55 311.1011 Tobias Bergkvist Standard- - SWE U lillomeister VÄXJÖ PK
52 51.83 306.7855 Morten Jörgensen Standard- - SWE U netromj LaholmsPSK
53 51.42 304.3950 Jonnie Nilsson Production Optics- - SWE U nilsson YDSKF
54 50.15 296.8984 Mats Salomonsson Revolver- - SWE U matsihagen Växjö PK
55 49.92 295.4915 Nicola Lo Presti Standard+ - SWE U nixi MSG
56 49.75 294.5235 Jakob Thorsteinsson Standard- - SWE U lothbrok Kullens PK
57 49.13 290.8110 Mikael Johnsson Standard+ S SWE U mijoh NPK
58 49.06 290.3879 Stefan Knutsson Production- - SWE U stevo KPIF
59 48.87 289.2912 Jørgen Rigtrup Revolver- S DNK U rigtrup Copenhagen Practical Shooters
60 48.64 287.9577 Jesper Carlsson Production- - SWE U jeppec Rpsk
61 48.62 287.8246 ola malmqvist Production- - SWE U Msg
62 48.27 285.7606 Gerry Dahlgren Production- SS SWE U kgd52 Torups Pistolklubb
63 48.26 285.6576 Daniel Hansson Standard- - SWE U MSG
64 48.10 284.7561 Kristina Nilsson Production- L SWE U slowfox MSG
65 47.78 282.8578 Anders P Production- - SWE U lanyc Stockholms LVF
66 46.58 275.7246 Steen Pico Nielsen Revolver- SS DNK U pico SSIN
67 45.70 270.5270 Patrik Andersson Production- - SWE U Eksjö DS
68 45.10 266.9648 Weine Samuelsson Standard- SS SWE U wesa LSC
69 44.86 265.5362 Stefan Kruse Production- - SWE U Rpsk
70 44.47 263.2655 Richard Albertsson Standard+ - SWE U albertsson KPIF
71 43.72 258.8300 kim Frederiksen Production- SS DNK U CPS & HSI
72 43.06 254.8830 Henrik Turkál Production- S SWE U tibbe IPSC Kullen
73 41.83 247.6275 Thette Holmberg Standard- L SWE U misspurple Kristianstads PK
74 41.49 245.5854 Daniel Härelind Production- - SWE U backbreaker Jönköpings PK
75 40.50 239.7653 Thomas Möllerberg Standard- - SWE U 1familyman Kristianstads PK
76 39.05 231.1370 Martin Arildsson Production- - SWE U Kristianstad PK
77 37.91 224.4038 Johan Kinhult Standard- S SWE U snakedr66 MSG
78 37.88 224.2530 Jessica Karlsson Standard- L SWE U baghera Nybro
79 36.77 217.6411 Fredrik NoName Production- - SWE U dockan Rosersberg
80 36.76 217.6235 Fredrick Lindqvist Production- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
81 36.70 217.2409 Christian Östergren Production- - SWE U Nybro PK
82 36.56 216.4266 Mikael Johansson Production- - SWE U humlegaard FöUtb
83 35.67 211.1727 Martin Grengby Standard- - SWE U mg1 Kristianstads PK
84 35.34 209.2057 Max Karlsson Standard- J SWE U maxhunter365 Nybro PK
85 35.14 208.0440 Jesper Liedstrand Production- - SWE U jjl88 KPIF
86 34.86 206.3676 Anders Bäckman Production- S SWE U andersb Växjö Pk
87 33.81 200.1176 Niclas Fröhberg Production- - SWE U pvjeep9031 MSG
88 33.30 197.1526 Alexander Ljungberg Production- - SWE U LaholmsPSK
89 32.70 193.5902 Anders Ottosson Production- SS SWE U drblack Lunds PK
90 32.39 191.7423 Jens Forsberg Production- - SWE U jensa KPIF
91 31.58 186.9182 Erik Wannberg Production- - SWE U erikw Visborg
92 31.02 183.5984 Irene Jönsson Standard- L SWE U dorran Kristianstads PK
93 31.00 183.5067 Mikael Vyckemans Production- - SWE U MSG
94 30.38 179.8335 Kevin Lee Production- - SWE U kevin KPIF
95 29.65 175.5352 Martin Johansson Production- - SWE U Malmö Skyttegille
96 28.65 169.5772 Kristian Ravantti Production- - SWE U mkravantti Jönköpings PK
97 28.56 169.0381 Daniel Lindau Standard- - SWE U danii Eksjö Dynamiska
98 26.09 154.4444 Marcus Johansson Production- - SWE U Nybro PK
99 25.82 152.8584 Henrik Tölander Production- - SWE U LSC
100 25.09 148.5168 Mats Borgström Production- S SWE U stuvaren MSG
101 24.77 146.6451 Max Varricchio Production- S SWE U manno Torups Pistolklubb
102 22.48 133.0731 Demi Denwood Production- J SWE U demi Kullens PK
103 20.26 119.9381 Örjan Tollbom Standard- SS SWE U oldiebutgoldie ESKF
104 16.28 96.3484 Angelica Sanchez Production- L SWE U LaholmsPSK
105 11.27 66.7143 Tobias Nilsson Standard- - SWE U Rpsk
106 8.69 51.4539 Maximillian Molin Production- - SWE U mamo Stockholms LVF
107 4.76 28.1530 Marie Mattiasson Production- L SWE U Nybro
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