First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1075.6630 Odd Strengenes Production- S NOR GM oddman HPS
2 74.05 796.4823 Bjørn Lindblad Production- S NOR U beteel MPK
3 58.55 629.7477 Leif Inge Storhaug Production- S NOR U listason LSS
4 52.43 563.9282 Lars Magnar Vagstad Production- S NOR U Sogn og Fjordane Sportskyttarklubb
5 51.59 554.9376 Snorre Øien Production- S NOR U shybert VEPS
6 44.54 479.0723 Erik Torp Production- S NOR U HPK
7 27.93 300.3874 Torstein Sirnes Production- S NOR U SSS
8 24.47 263.2213 Gunnar Sirevåg Production- S NOR D gunman Stavanger Sportsskytterlag
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