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1 100.00 720.4451 Stefan Eriksson Standard S SWE U ster S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
2 92.64 667.4016 Patrik Gren Standard S SWE U Security Group Dynamics
3 86.67 624.4161 Tomas Hermander Standard SS SWE U glock4u Växjö PK
4 81.29 585.6274 Ole Mortensen Standard S DNK U monco Engesvang
5 78.12 562.8319 Bo Nilsson Standard S SWE U boskog MSG
6 67.85 488.8386 Anders Lindfors Standard S SWE U ali66 JPK
7 59.69 430.0210 Bengt Petersson Standard S SWE U bengan KPIF
8 59.13 425.9977 Mats Ahlqvist Standard S SWE U matti MSG
9 56.75 408.8774 Kai Rämö Standard S SWE U kai Ärna IF DS
10 52.74 379.9821 Henry Joona Standard S SWE U joonix Örlb Skf
11 46.67 336.1990 Göran Majvall Standard S SWE U skaning MSG
12 43.25 311.5665 Olle Lindskog Standard S SWE U olle JPK
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