First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1063.1527 Rasmus Gyllenberg Production- - SWE U gylla GPIF
2 99.82 1061.2527 Tero Heinonen Production- - FIN U HeiA
3 93.27 991.6197 Johan Modigh Production- - SWE U jj84 P4 DS
4 85.57 909.7396 Lars Hagemann Production- S DNK GM hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
5 84.84 902.0254 Håkon Myklebust Production- - NOR U bamse OKTS
6 84.22 895.3675 Daniel Johnson Production- - SWE U surfan SSF
7 82.11 872.9675 Pål Ripnes Production- - NOR U ripnes SSL-H
8 80.64 857.3346 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick SSK
9 79.63 846.6381 Thomas Nordvi Production- - NOR GM tnor LOP
10 79.06 840.4767 Magnus Abelsson Production- - SWE B arbsys UPSF
11 78.76 837.3263 Per-Ola Rasmussen Production- - SWE U perola SSF
12 77.42 823.1026 Klas Lundberg Production- - SWE U kfl69 IPSC Västerås
13 77.42 823.0618 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- - NOR A joakimgr LOP
14 76.54 813.7111 Stefan Johannesson Production- S SWE U st3f4n GPIF
15 75.71 804.8882 Cecilia Lindberg Production- L SWE U chitchi GPIF
16 75.55 803.1993 Christian D. Jensen Production- S DNK U stagebum Copenhagen Practical Shooters
17 75.46 802.2632 Niclas Dal Production- S SWE U nickeklick SPSF
18 74.60 793.1405 Simen Amundsen Production- - NOR A siam LOP
19 74.26 789.4876 Robert Börjesson Production- - SWE U rob79 GPIF
20 74.22 789.1248 Gabriel Lind Production- - SWE U gabbe Stockholms LVF
21 74.10 787.8192 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE U schultze MSG
22 72.08 766.2804 Gustav Arvidsson Production- - SWE U rogi P4 DS
23 71.34 758.4054 David Lindhe Production- - SWE U davlin Team ONYX
24 70.34 747.7756 Tommy Mattsson Production- - SWE U digglers Ipsc västerås
25 68.76 731.0083 Björn Bekkouche Production- - SWE U UVPSK
26 68.76 731.0034 Anders Urban Production- - DNK U urbanlegend SAS
27 68.70 730.3797 Peter Olsen Mertz Production- - DNK U mertz CPS
28 68.39 727.0828 Peter Eliasson Production- - SWE U petereliasson UPSF
29 67.19 714.3283 Tobias Ekenstråle Production- - SWE U tek GDS
30 66.56 707.6544 Michael Lindström Production- - SWE U IPSC Västerås
31 66.52 707.2373 Michael Randrup Production- - DNK U randrup CPS
32 66.50 706.9888 Tony Wendelklint Production- S SWE U klintan GPIF
33 65.25 693.6936 Johan Production- - SWE U G.P.I.F
34 64.94 690.3990 Lars Kilen Production- - SWE U smen GPIF
35 64.81 689.0441 Mikael Olsson Production- S SWE U mikols14 GPIF
36 64.57 686.4978 Mile Djoric Production- - SWE U balkanboy East Coast Dynamic Shooters
37 64.51 685.8112 Morgan Lindholm Production- - SWE U lindholm STHLM M&P
38 64.30 683.5905 Claus Henneberg Production- - DNK U noxie SSIN
39 63.82 678.4639 Sven Lundberg Production- - SWE U sven IPSC Västerås
40 63.36 673.6074 Søren Larsen Production- S DNK U wessel SSIN
41 63.00 669.7376 Emil Kantelius Production- - SWE U eka Team ONYX
42 62.64 665.9895 Roberth Friberg Production- - SWE U fribbe Kullens Pk
43 60.64 644.7360 Marius Nesland Production- - NOR U minigun VEPS
44 60.57 643.9986 Anders Dahlberg Production- S SWE U hungry Karlstads PSK
45 60.56 643.8554 Peter Slättersjö Production- - SWE U dumbswede Karlstads PSK
46 60.30 641.1040 Daniel Lindström Production- - SWE U mrkerano P7 SKIF
47 60.18 639.8137 Kjell Idar Logan Production- - NOR U perulv MPK
48 58.53 622.2855 Johan Friberg Production- - SWE U frj GPIF
49 57.59 612.2807 Mathias Adolfsson Production- - SWE U Karlstads PSK
50 57.45 610.7339 Magnus "Kotte" Granqvist Production- - SWE U kotte69 GPIF
51 57.36 609.7811 Luis Soler Production- - SWE U luyazami UVPSK
52 57.03 606.2851 Robert Antonsson Production- - SWE U hobbe GDS
53 56.44 600.0678 Matti Puhakka Production- - SWE U gpg Sätila PSK
54 55.99 595.2469 Pelle Borggren Production- - SWE U pobo East Coast Dynamic Shooters
55 55.81 593.3489 Dennis Martlev Production- S DNK U smartlev Copenhagen Practical Shooters
56 54.86 583.2671 Anna Utter Production- L SWE U utter IPSC Västerås
57 54.49 579.3278 Allan Bergman Production- - SWE U dosch Borås Pistolskyttar
58 54.10 575.1171 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- S NOR C snowyturtle LOP
59 53.75 571.4900 Magnus "Texas" Andersson Production- - SWE U akatexas GDS/HPK
60 53.55 569.3613 peder svedsten Production- - SWE U bishop ECDS
61 53.19 565.4644 Christian Backman Production- - SWE U GDS
62 53.05 563.9771 Dorothea Denwood Production- L SWE U dorothea Kullens PK
63 52.76 560.8792 Chrille Bergvall Production- - SWE U kemosabe Rosersberg
64 52.71 560.3612 Christoffer Thander Production- - SWE U cthander East Coast Dynamic Shooters
65 52.61 559.3623 Urban Johansson Production- - SWE U ubbe GDS
66 52.18 554.7157 Jan Schröder Production- S SWE U schrodersig LSC
67 52.09 553.7910 John JM Prpic Production- S SWE U josen Norrköping Shooting Club
68 51.94 552.1899 Kristoffer Ellerås Production- - SWE U ellerask GGSF
69 51.93 552.1421 Gerry Strandberg Production- S SWE U gerry66 P4 DS
70 51.64 549.0076 Niklas Magnusson Production- - SWE U GDS
71 51.33 545.6897 Håkan T Söderholm Production- - SWE U semperprimus Kristianstads PK
72 51.04 542.6150 Snorre Øien Production- S NOR U shybert VEPS
73 50.80 540.0473 Jack Janérs Production- - SWE U ripper BBSKF
74 50.73 539.2967 Anders Rudén Production- - SWE U arras GPIF
75 50.72 539.2284 Stefan Wallberg Production- - SWE U stenhuggarn Gds
76 49.95 531.0472 Edith Gustavsson Production- L SWE U ehg UPSF
77 49.80 529.4424 Andreas Fransson Production- - SWE U andreas11 GDS
78 49.74 528.8491 Joakim Flövik Production- - SWE U joakungen GDS
79 49.66 527.9117 Mats Lindman Production- - SWE U P4 DS
80 49.57 526.9565 Hannes Kantelius Production- - SWE U kanha Team ONYX
81 49.22 523.3274 Erik von Konow Production- - SWE U konow GDS
82 48.46 515.1970 Jonas Wallgren Production- - SWE U junbao MSG
83 47.72 507.2839 Douglas Swanmark Production- - SWE U Caliber44 skf
84 46.63 495.7225 Mikael Beckman Production- - SWE U beckmanegger IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
85 46.50 494.4152 Glen Hylander Production- S NOR U ghylander SSL Norge
86 46.38 493.1238 Pontus Persson Production- - SWE U poppowisch IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
87 46.16 490.7885 Ann Norlin Production- L SWE U bbb Sthlm M & P
88 46.04 489.4969 Alexander Sjöberg Production- - SWE U grimner IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
89 45.99 488.9453 Jonas Olsson Production- - SWE U jo69 ECDS
90 45.97 488.7821 Karsten Erfort Production- - DNK U erfort Lfhs/CPS
91 45.85 487.4200 Susanne Pejle Production- L SWE U pejle Caliber44skf
92 45.62 484.9705 Hänry Bengtsson Production- - SWE U Jönköpings PK
93 44.35 471.5002 Emma Lökholm Production- L SWE U emma Säve PSK
94 44.16 469.5032 William Parhammar Production- J SWE U thelaw Sundsvalls Pistolskytteklubb - SPK
95 43.59 463.3907 Gunnar Sundström Production- - SWE U jamten Rjps
96 43.24 459.6851 Andreas Wennerberg Production- - SWE U affe GDS
97 43.09 458.0618 Per Ekelund Production- - SWE U ekis MSG
98 42.90 456.1100 Johan Albertsson Production- - SWE U P4 DS
99 42.38 450.5748 Ulf Larsson Production- - SWE U gaisakefeskeboxa HPK-GDS
100 42.28 449.5097 Jonaz Carlson Production- - SWE U jayc GDS
101 42.22 448.8630 Martin Hansson Production- - SWE U GDS
102 42.21 448.7042 Christan Production- - SWE U krille C44 SKF
103 42.17 448.2803 Mikael Floberg Production- - SWE U mickeys Kullens PK
104 42.07 447.2335 Anders Segerlund Production- - SWE U GDS
105 41.79 444.2544 Mikael Öberg Production- - SWE U oberg UPSF
106 40.42 429.7028 Daniel Jonsson Production- - SWE U tsort GDS
107 40.00 425.2709 Daniel Söderlund Production- - SWE U danne IPSC Västerås
108 39.20 416.7720 Odd-Andre Rusek Production- - NOR U ruzken VSS
109 38.68 411.1865 Bo Jansson Production- S SWE U boaw Kullens PK
110 38.42 408.4139 Lars Olsson Production- - SWE U larso GDS
111 37.90 402.9200 Jonas Aronsson Production- - SWE U aron Säve PSK
112 37.78 401.6915 John Ottosson Production- - SWE U jot STHLM M&P
113 36.97 393.0908 Petter Vitin Production- - SWE U rimbuster EDS
114 36.10 383.8437 Teresa Kilen Production- L SWE U kickingfoot GPIF
115 33.32 354.2497 Marcus Wennick Production- - SWE U P7 SKIF
116 31.76 337.6396 Gustav Persson Production- - SWE U
117 30.57 324.9851 Elvis Mulic Production- - SWE U HPK
118 26.69 283.7044 Gunilla Abrahamsson Production- L SWE U gunster UPSK
119 22.12 235.1898 Rolf Sjösvärd Production- - SWE U GDS
120 21.44 227.9583 jolie raudva Production- J SWE U jora Säve PSK
121 20.50 217.9371 Tobias Efraomsson Production- - SWE U tobbe89 Vsd
122 19.74 209.8466 Bengt Reuterwall Production- - SWE U bennyboy Härlanda PK GDS
123 19.63 208.7266 Ulf Bégat Production- - SWE U baloo HPK-GDS
124 17.65 187.6339 Karolina Floberg Production- L SWE U Kullen PK
125 16.15 171.6789 jürgen raudva Production- - SWE U raju Säve PSK
126 0.00 0.0000 André Holt Production- - NOR U anholt MPK
127 0.00 0.0000 Annelie Eriksson Production- L SWE U cbr900 GDS
128 0.00 0.0000 Kjell R. Kjørstad Production- - NOR U einherjer KPG
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