results for Action Joulu 2017

Standard Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 246.8070 Raimo Soikkeli Standard - FIN U 4464 KarkkA
2 88.17 217.6009 Svante Lehtinen Standard - FIN U 5002 KarkkA
3 85.01 209.8158 Roope Soikkeli Standard J FIN U 5006 KarkkA
4 82.96 204.7453 Petri Vartiainen Standard - FIN U KarkkA
5 82.93 204.6831 Jussi Kuvaja Standard - FIN U 5467 KarkkA
6 76.39 188.5337 Petteri Laaksomo Standard - FIN U 5466 KarkkA
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