First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 535.0610 Kenneth Karlsson Standard+ S SWE U knet SSK
2 95.13 508.9955 Niclas Dal Standard- S SWE U nickeklick SPSF
3 76.10 407.2033 Stefan Kristersson Standard- S SWE U stefan Smedsbo PK
4 65.80 352.0453 Jonny Arbinger Standard- S SWE U binge Sandvikens PSK
5 65.42 350.0246 Stefan Unknown Standard- S SWE U fenrisulven Rosersberg
6 63.62 340.4219 Conny Chow Standard- S SWE U konta Ballongberget
7 59.56 318.6689 Dusan Vujanic Standard- S SWE U xzone Rosersberg
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