First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 498.0262 Lars Hagemann Production- S DNK GM hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
2 81.28 404.7844 Christian D. Jensen Production- S DNK U stagebum Copenhagen Practical Shooters
3 69.42 345.7122 Dennis Martlev Production- S DNK U smartlev Copenhagen Practical Shooters
4 47.80 238.0332 kim Frederiksen Production- SS DNK U CPS & HSI
5 42.29 210.5908 Steen Bagger Production- S DNK U Hørsholm Pistolforening /SSIN
6 41.44 206.3654 Carl Nielsen Production- S DNK U carl SSIN
7 41.34 205.8781 Frank Otto Martinsen Production- S DNK U Asminderød skytteforening
8 40.57 202.0450 Lars Bugge Production- S DNK U BSI
9 35.68 177.6935 Claus Schmidt Production- S DNK U Farum Skytteforening
10 30.01 149.4518 Martin Sturup Production- S DNK U CPS+BVS
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