results for MSG Handgun Cup 2018 match #5

Standard Production Classic Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 340.0000 Mats O. Bäckström Standard+ - SWE U dalmas4 MSG
2 78.20 265.8956 Leif Madsen Standard- S SWE U mrfatandslow MSG
3 73.92 251.3373 Marcus Madsen Standard- - SWE U mrslimandfast MSG
4 63.51 215.9186 Nicola Lo Presti Standard+ - SWE U nixi MSG
5 61.10 207.7487 Torbjörn Dehlen Standard- - USA U MSG
6 59.74 203.1055 Jim Pedersen Standard- - SWE U swejim MSG
7 59.22 201.3344 Greger Kontojoki Standard- - SWE U MSG
8 56.62 192.4999 Daniel Hansson Standard- - SWE U MSG
9 56.49 192.0642 David Ravenna Standard- - SWE U dr71 MSG
10 56.46 191.9804 Ulf Persson Standard- - SWE U puffe MSG
11 48.33 164.3152 Peter Bengtsson Standard- SS SWE U pbe MSG
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