results for Pistol L2 BEP oktober

Open Standard Production Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 575.1783 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Open+ S NOR U bos62 BSK
2 80.94 465.5630 Arne Monsen Open+ S NOR U bergenbom BSK
3 80.00 460.1501 Morten Christian Andreassen Standard- - NOR U mca BEP
4 70.32 404.4569 Jan Ove Midtun Production- - NOR U jom BEP
5 67.91 390.6018 Kjetil Salte Orre Production- - NOR U happygiant BEP
6 67.48 388.1389 Ove Toranger Standard- - NOR U smileyface BEP
7 64.95 373.5716 Arve Andersen Standard- - NOR U arveandersen BSU
8 60.03 345.2602 Trond Henrikssen Production- SS NOR C trias BEP
9 59.02 339.4492 Geir Kaspersen Production- - NOR U kasper RPK
10 57.06 328.1842 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production- - NOR U BEP
11 51.98 298.9776 John Skauge Standard- - NOR U BSK
12 50.07 287.9873 Øystein Paulsen Production- - NOR U Bergen skytterunion
13 49.49 284.6767 Simon Ravn Production- - NOR U raven BEP
14 48.99 281.7742 Christer Kolltveit Production- - NOR U chrikol BEP
15 48.16 277.0286 Roald Torkildsen Production- - NOR U roto SSL-H
16 46.23 265.8793 Simon Sørfosbog Standard- S NOR U BEP
17 43.96 252.8281 Trond Mjåtveit Hansen Standard+ - NOR U trond BSK
18 35.68 205.2337 Espen Nytun Standard- S NOR U BEP
19 34.47 198.2915 Bent Pettersen Standard- - NOR U bent BEP
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