results for PoPo SRA-Cup 2018 match 3/6

Open Standard Senior 7.62 Standard 7.62 Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG SRA Club
1 70.58 432.1872 Sampo Mattila Open S FIN 4496 ORUK
2 55.31 338.6706 Ilkka Mustonen Open S FIN 5973 Kempele res, PAM ry
3 38.54 236.0162 Tero Luukinen Open S 7.62 FIN 1518 Oures
4 36.54 223.7747 Jarmo Karjalainen Open S 7.62 MI FIN 4638 SPOL Oulu
5 33.43 204.7284 Timo Rautio Standard S 7.62 FIN 5954 PAM
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