results for Klinte HG match 1 2018

Standard Production Classic Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 351.7281 Sonny Stenström Standard- - SWE U ess Visborgs SKF
2 89.34 314.2315 Kent Westerlund Standard- - SWE U kwesen Klinte SKG
3 88.41 310.9631 Adam Lundgren Classic- - SWE U ava Klinte SKG
4 78.79 277.1165 Ralf Olofsson Production- - SWE U ralf Klinte Skyttegille
5 67.36 236.9409 Daniel Utas Standard- - SWE U Visborgs SKF
6 60.14 211.5423 Thony Olsson Standard- - SWE U Visborgs
7 56.50 198.7145 Ronny Lundin Production- - SWE U ronlun Visborgs SKF
8 52.52 184.7385 Gustaf Gardell Production- - SWE U gustaf Visborgs Skytteförening
9 48.57 170.8239 Björn Söderkvist Standard- S SWE U Visborgs SKF
10 48.01 168.8645 Lars Pettersson Production- - SWE U Visborgs Skytteförening
11 44.80 157.5594 Leif Ankarsköld Standard- - SWE U Klinte SKG
12 44.75 157.3892 Mattias Hansson Standard- - SWE U mattita Visborgs skytteförening
13 44.66 157.0689 Jonas Engström Production- - SWE U north66 Klinte SKG
14 42.62 149.8899 Lars-Patric Belke Production- - SWE U Visborgs Skyttteförening
15 41.57 146.1991 Philip Gardell Standard- - SWE U philip
16 35.93 126.3933 Rickard Olin Production- - SWE U
17 34.17 120.1897 Kjell Bedey Production- - SWE U Visborg SK
18 34.09 119.8925 Andreas Hansson Production- - SWE U andha Klinte SKG
19 30.67 107.8688 Sven Olsson Production- S SWE U Visborg
20 9.66 33.9620 Joakim Strömvall Production- - SWE U Klinte Skg
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