First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 765.1600 Thomas Affleck Custom- - ZWE A thomas Ihawu Shooting Club
2 97.37 745.0027 Steven Wells Custom- - ZWE B Spartan Arms
3 89.12 681.9255 Dawid Van Reenen Custom+ - ZAF U GoldenCity
4 72.57 555.2676 Jonathan Van Graan Custom- - ZWE U Spartan
5 71.70 548.5844 Paul Stanley Custom- - ZWE U Ihawu
6 64.66 494.7191 Deon Barnard Custom+ S ZAF U Spartan
7 54.09 413.9030 Chris Prinsloo Custom- S ZAF U chrisp Spartam Arms
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