First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 484.2973 Tor Erik Mikalsen Open+ - NOR U torsa MPK
2 90.34 437.5270 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- - NOR A joakimgr BPK
3 78.91 382.1576 Jan Olav Stangeland Standard+ - NOR B stjanolav ASK
4 78.36 379.4816 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Revolver- - NOR M kimma ASK
5 77.50 375.3074 Kjell-Harry Edvardsen Open+ - NOR U harry66 RPK
6 69.29 335.5912 Tomas Huseby Standard- - NOR B stiboy ASK
7 58.97 285.5927 Jørgen Finnby Classic+ - NOR U jfinnby ASK
8 38.59 186.8824 Maciej Pawlikowski Production- S NOR U tabaza Asker Skyteklubb
9 31.33 151.7328 Steinar Bakke Production- S NOR U Hurumsportsskytterklubb
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