First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1288.5848 Odd Strengenes Production Optics- S NOR GM oddman HPS
2 91.21 1175.2978 Stefan Johannesson Production Optics- S SWE U st3f4n GPIF
3 65.51 844.1747 tom solberg Production Optics- S NOR D tomen bpk
4 54.37 700.5769 Marius Hauki Production Optics- S NOR U marius SSL
5 52.65 678.3901 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Production Optics- S NOR U moyesman Trondheim Feltskyttere
6 1.22 15.6714 John Dervaa Production Optics- S NOR U OKTS
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