First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 359.6362 Stian Kristoffersen Production- - NOR U naits HPI
2 75.24 270.5911 Ole-Martin Kristoffersen Production- - NOR D chillywilly Farris Sportsskyttere
3 64.99 233.7148 Erik Torp Production- S NOR U eriktor HPI
4 36.69 131.9338 Snorre Halvorsen Production- - NOR U
5 27.21 97.8556 Geir Haugen Production- S NOR U HPK
6 26.45 95.1321 Jørgen Mortensen Production- S NOR U mortensen HPI
7 22.50 80.9133 Ole Martin Jorve Production- S NOR U o1e911 RPK
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