results for Trening-match Lista Sportsskyttere

Standard Production Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 224.0159 Richard Hole Standard- - NOR U holis LSS
2 95.10 213.0384 Torkjel Reinertsen Production- - NOR U LSS
3 94.33 211.3136 Øyvind Senum Oftebro Production- - NOR U LSS
4 91.56 205.1045 Kenneth Sævik Standard- - NOR U merica LSS
5 75.91 170.0554 Leif Inge Storhaug Production- S NOR U listason LSS
6 65.23 146.1162 Christian Shellunts-Berg Production- - NOR U silverbullet LSS
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