results for Quick`n´Dirty 2018 #5 Shoot Santa 25/12

Open Standard Production Classic Production Optics Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 288.2772 Simon Tendick Standard- - DEU U dorn Grindel
2 99.12 285.7390 Sebastian Czichy Standard- - DEU U Grindel
3 94.06 271.1490 Sebastian Hohmann Standard- - DEU U ASC Bonn e.V.
4 93.05 268.2443 Thomas Rieder Standard- - DEU U 1473 Bonn
5 92.54 266.7702 Marco Schröder Standard- - DEU U Grindel
6 83.98 242.0948 Markus Heine Standard- - DEU U shipman Action Shooting e.V.
7 79.18 228.2713 Sandra Mützenich-Heine Standard- L DEU U sandra Action Shooting e.V.
8 78.64 226.7032 Stephan Kohls Standard- - DEU U VDSF 1979 e.V.
9 66.80 192.5767 Andre Hagemeister Standard- - DEU U Grindel
10 62.85 181.1878 Michael Cyran Standard- - DEU U 1473 Bonn
11 46.90 135.2096 Jürgen Suermann Standard- SS DEU U
12 45.61 131.4819 Manuel Behle Standard- - DEU U HBSG 1340 e.V.
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