results for Quick`n´Dirty 2018 #5 Shoot Santa 25/12

Open Standard Production Classic Production Optics Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 310.0000 Denis Supica Production- - DEU U ASC e.V.
2 91.95 285.0345 Michael Schindewolf Production- - DEU U 1473
3 80.02 248.0718 Christoph Noga Production- - DEU U FNR 2k16 e.V.
4 63.89 198.0606 Guido Wolfgang Minelli Production- - DEU U Team Dynasty
5 59.78 185.3060 Stephanie Kröger-Oltrogge Production- L DEU U Magnum Club
6 41.92 129.9515 Ute Minelli Production- L DEU U Team Dynasty
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