results for Roslagenspistolskyttar KM 2018

Standard Production Classic Production Lady Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 542.5819 Jerry Vesterlund Production- - SWE U lockbete RPS
2 96.35 522.8004 Mr Andersson Production- - SWE U andersson Uppsala DS
3 91.88 498.5347 Jonny Gustafsson Production- - SWE U sharkbait RPS
4 66.66 361.6916 Sofie Lundin Production- L SWE U chexet RPS
5 64.16 348.1316 Martin Hjerne Production- - SWE U partybwal
6 56.79 308.1081 Ulf Pernholt Production- - SWE U
7 56.25 305.2140 Herr Holm Production- - SWE U RPS
8 44.44 241.1471 Arne Praeckel Production- - USA U RPS
9 42.45 230.3096 Stefan Joulin Production- - SWE U steffit Roslagens pistolskyttar
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