First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 527.7292 Fredrik Poller Pistol Caliber Carbine- - SWE U poller GDS
2 90.48 477.4650 Tobias Ekenstråle Pistol Caliber Carbine- - SWE U tek GDS
3 83.86 442.5445 Jens H Standard+ - SWE U jzh GDS
4 83.27 439.4570 Andreas Johanson Open+ - SWE U nidhugg GDS
5 75.39 397.8412 Niklas Hammarström Standard- - SWE U hammer1 Göteborgs Dynamiska Skyttar
6 75.28 397.2668 Daniel Lilienberg Classic- - SWE U mcping GDS
7 72.59 383.0745 Christian Backman Production- - SWE U GDS
8 71.83 379.0659 Eric Särèn Open+ - SWE U GDS
9 66.66 351.7946 Erik von Konow Production- - SWE U konow GDS
10 62.19 328.1955 Kristoffer Mann Standard- - SWE U GDS
11 56.85 300.0068 Max Ekenstråle Pistol Caliber Carbine- J SWE U GDS
12 55.59 293.3699 Henrik Bergsten Production- - SWE U HPK GDS
13 53.63 283.0020 Fredrik Ferdinandsson Production- - SWE U ferdi76 Göteborgs Dynamiska Skyttar
14 48.84 257.7270 Charlie Andersson Production Optics- J SWE U challe Härlanda PK/GDS
15 43.29 228.4527 Anders Segerlund Production- - SWE U anderssegerlund GDS
16 42.84 226.0697 Daniel Jonsson Production- - SWE U tsort GDS
17 42.75 225.6305 Marcus Lindström Production- - SWE U marcus Härlanda PK GDS
18 39.46 208.2374 Christian Svartenstedt Production- - SWE U svartenstedt GDS
19 36.92 194.8366 Jonas Thorsell Production- - SWE U jonast GDS HPK
20 31.79 167.7434 Sat Sangeet "Singh" Hansen Production- - SWE U GDS
21 31.70 167.2642 Karin Sterky Production- - SWE U HPK-GDS
22 30.32 160.0270 Tom Ekenstråle Pistol Caliber Carbine- J SWE U GDS
23 24.64 130.0083 Nils Magnusson Production- - SWE U HPSK
24 14.90 78.6445 Robert Andersson Classic- - SWE U bobbsan GDS
25 10.62 56.0646 Ulf Larsson Revolver+ - SWE U gaisakefeskeboxa HPK-GDS
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