First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 468.0384 Frank Sandås Open+ - NOR GM celeritas OKTS
2 99.99 467.9845 Tor Erik Mikalsen Open+ - NOR U torsa MPK
3 90.84 425.1460 Tore Haugli Standard+ - NOR A thaugli NOP
4 81.49 381.4025 Simen Amundsen Production- - NOR U siam LOP
5 76.03 355.8312 Espen Finset Production- - NOR U hqvdingen LOP
6 75.17 351.8074 Lene Olaug Kråkø Open+ L NOR U diligentia OKTS
7 68.37 319.9752 Lars Flugstad Production- S NOR C larsflugstad OKTS
8 68.21 319.2581 Eindride Stien Production- S NOR B norse OKTS
9 65.88 308.3244 Knut Harald Graven Production- - NOR U plaff OKTS
10 62.60 292.9870 Svein Heibø Production Optics Light- - NOR U sveinkhh OKTS
11 62.46 292.3251 Glen Hylander Production- - NOR U ghylander SSL
12 53.95 252.5258 Erik Arne Grong Production- - NOR U NSS
13 52.64 246.3978 Anders Endal Standard+ - NOR U OKTS
14 49.12 229.8811 Morten Holland Production- - NOR U hollando Enebakk Pistolklubb
15 48.22 225.6698 Vegard Skorstad Production- J NOR U quickshotter NSS
16 46.36 216.9772 Henrik Mellbye Production- - NOR U henmel OKTS
17 42.90 200.7916 Anders Gunbjornsen Production- SS NOR D andiz RPK
18 42.57 199.2450 Albert Bolstad Standard- S NOR U albolsi OKTS
19 41.47 194.1093 Lars Erik Sæborg Production- - NOR U viking1 OKTS
20 37.64 176.1649 Christoffer Kohl Production- - NOR U lurifax OKTS
21 37.32 174.6879 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Standard+ - NOR U jaffanor SSL
22 35.81 167.6158 Marius Dahl Production- - NOR U EPK
23 30.22 141.4528 Kian Spongsveen Production- - NOR D kian OKTS
24 24.72 115.7216 Agnius Butenis Production- - USA U agnius OKTS
25 20.69 96.8274 Felix Vaager Production- - NOR U vaager ASLD
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