First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 480.1061 Matthew Wyborn Open J GBR GM mattw XPSC
2 92.16 442.4476 Paul Wyborn Standard J GBR GM paulw XPSC
3 82.31 395.1938 Tim Wyborn Open S GBR M timw XPSC
4 82.07 394.0237 Aryan Alipour Standard - GBR A XPSC
5 81.46 391.0709 Alasdair Mustard Standard - GBR GM GPS
6 77.94 374.1731 Alex Cox Standard - GBR U GPS
7 76.31 366.3542 Chris Ho Open - GBR A GPS
8 75.91 364.4452 Paul Wyborn Production J GBR GM paulw XPSC
9 73.64 353.5571 Alex Cox Classic - GBR U GPS
10 73.15 351.2168 Tim Wyborn Standard S GBR M timw XPSC
11 72.90 350.0051 Luis Emerton Open - GBR A GPS
12 70.55 338.6990 Tom Park Standard - GBR U GPS
13 69.04 331.4786 Tim Wyborn Classic S GBR M timw XPSC
14 66.47 319.1201 Adam Mcbain Standard - GBR U XPSC
15 65.01 312.1294 Andy Williams Classic - GBR U andywilliams970 DTPSC
16 63.19 303.3818 Richard Nutter Standard - GBR U GPS
17 61.77 296.5653 Dawn Harding Standard L GBR U AAA
18 61.11 293.4038 Andy Ramsay Standard - GBR U CSAC
19 61.11 293.3717 John Thompson Open - GBR C XPSC
20 61.00 292.8753 Norman Humphries Open SS GBR U AAA
21 58.06 278.7537 Marshall Dalton Standard J GBR U XPSC
22 57.55 276.3021 Andrew Marling Standard - GBR U AAA
23 57.09 274.0884 Relly Agduyeng Open - GBR U XPSC
24 56.90 273.1925 John Thompson Standard - GBR U XPSC
25 54.71 262.6619 Kenny Lam Open - GBR U GPS
26 52.86 253.7641 Clive Gamlin Standard S GBR U WNSC
27 52.36 251.3933 Jo Lucas Standard L GBR U GPS
28 51.98 249.5466 Vanessa Duffy Standard L GBR U The Blue Team
29 51.98 249.5466 Vanessa Duffy Open L GBR U The Blue Team
30 51.71 248.2501 Eluned Pritchard Standard L GBR U EBSC & WPPC
31 48.98 235.1729 Danny Yau Open S GBR U DTPSC
32 48.62 233.4389 Robert Forbes Standard SS GBR U englishrob AAA
33 46.54 223.4527 Robert Ramsay Standard J GBR U CSAC
34 46.42 222.8853 Tim Marquis Standard - GBR U GPS
35 41.68 200.1151 Des Greaves Open SS GBR U charlie Stourport pistol and rifle club
36 41.25 198.0276 Roberto Capolongo Standard - GBR U rcworcs WNSC
37 40.37 193.8253 Lottie Thompson Standard J GBR U XPSC
38 39.09 187.6883 Steve Coles Standard S GBR U GPS
39 38.69 185.7366 Cathryn Forbes Standard L GBR U AAA
40 38.65 185.5585 Tim Jarvis Open - GBR U XPSC
41 37.78 181.3707 Susan Howard Standard L GBR U AAA
42 36.33 174.4260 Lottie Thompson Open J GBR U XPSC
43 36.12 173.4254 David Lloyd Open - GBR U XPSC
44 34.18 164.0834 Patrick Walker Standard SS GBR U AAA
45 32.42 155.6400 Jonah Kielty-Collins Standard J GBR U AAA
46 30.80 147.8688 Jude Armishaw Standard L GBR U Stourport Pistol & Rifle Club
47 28.15 135.1337 Sam Baker Standard J GBR U xpsc
48 26.58 127.6155 Sophie Howard Standard J GBR U AAA
49 24.80 119.0428 Dave Royale Standard S GBR U AAA
50 21.73 104.3116 Matthew Howard Standard J GBR U AAA
51 0.00 0.0000 Philbert So Standard - GBR U GPS
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