First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 444.7729 Thomas Nordvi Production Optics- - NOR U tnor NOP
2 95.65 425.4136 Simen Amundsen Production Optics- - NOR U siam NOP
3 90.65 403.2011 Bjarne Larning Production Optics- - SWE U bjarne SSF
4 84.07 373.9393 Per Arild Gulichsen Production Optics- - NOR U ppaagg råde Pistollag
5 83.36 370.7558 Geir Herdal Production Optics- S NOR B geiros NOP
6 81.41 362.1002 Mr Snobl Production Optics- - NOR U von338lm Råde Pistollag
7 77.24 343.5323 Gaute Hagen Production Optics- - NOR U gha LOP
8 73.50 326.8911 Ståle Støvland Production Optics- S NOR U chiroptera21 OKTS
9 70.23 312.3636 Morten Aalborg Production Optics- - NOR U aalborg VSS
10 66.27 294.7567 Andreas Hamre Production Optics- - NOR C hamre NOP
11 59.25 263.5363 Morten Grønlie Production Optics- - NOR U LOP
12 55.82 248.2788 Willy Larsen Production Optics- - NOR U råde pistollag
13 52.74 234.5552 Carl Alfred Bakker Production Optics- - NOR U Råde Pistollag
14 47.44 210.9781 Trym Christensen Production Optics- - NOR U gunrunfun MPK
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