First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 664.5395 Jean Michel Jansen Production Optics- SS BEL U IPSC Battice Belgium
2 97.57 648.3916 Sven Göbbeln Production Optics- - DEU U SV Netphen
3 96.95 644.2817 Ulf Stiegen Production Optics- - DEU U uas
4 91.52 608.1940 Christian Scholz Production Optics- - DEU U Silverado Vorderlader- und Sportschützen 1990 e.V.
5 87.78 583.3250 Andreas Hane Production Optics- - DEU U Silverado
6 86.71 576.1940 peter slangen Production Optics- SS NLD B snake NPSA
7 75.04 498.6558 Christian Rehse Production Optics- - DEU U 1473 Bonn
8 65.78 437.1670 Michael Enkel Production Optics- - DEU U QnD
9 58.29 387.3518 André Kunz Production Optics- S DEU U SV Langenfeld 1834 eV
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