First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 392.4348 Magnus Lindskog Production- - SWE U messer MSG
2 95.81 376.0014 Robert Svensson Production- - SWE U MSG
3 89.43 350.9409 Greger Kontojoki Production- - SWE U MSG
4 88.44 347.0854 John D-felt Production- - SWE U mrprocedure MSG
5 84.93 333.2842 Kim Sundling Production- - SWE U iskall ÖPK
6 84.06 329.8854 Daniel Hansson Production- - SWE U MSG
7 81.61 320.2527 Daniel Klöfverskjöld Production- - SWE U MSG
8 77.04 302.3221 Petter Naef Production- - SWE U MSG
9 65.08 255.4138 Andreas Håkansson Production- - SWE U MSG
10 63.06 247.4803 Tariq Mahmud Production- - SWE U check75pk MSG
11 62.57 245.5317 Richard K Production- - SWE U MSG
12 61.21 240.2239 Mats Borgström Production- S SWE U stuvaren MSG
13 58.54 229.7141 Dennis Berner Production- - SWE U 4300 MSG
14 57.06 223.9085 David D Production- - SWE U dad MSG
15 56.98 223.6010 Martin Smedå Production- - SWE U MSG
16 53.79 211.0989 Martin Johansson Production- - SWE U MSG
17 53.06 208.2340 Magnus Lundh Production- - SWE U magnus MSG
18 50.54 198.3250 Claudio Hult Production- - SWE U zorro MSG
19 44.99 176.5651 Mikael Olofsson Production- - SWE U oet MSG
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