results for MSG HandGun Cup 2019 match 4

Open Standard Production Classic Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 380.0000 Daniel Holmberg Open+ - SWE U rioter MSG
2 94.26 358.1857 Mats "Dalmas" Bäckström Standard+ - SWE U dalmas4 MSG
3 76.49 290.6572 Nicola Lo Presti Open+ - SWE U nixi MSG
4 72.11 274.0041 Magnus Lindskog Production- - SWE U messer MSG
5 71.02 269.8946 Mats Karlsson Classic- - SWE U yaps P7 SKIF
6 67.71 257.3042 Robert Svensson Production- - SWE U MSG
7 64.33 244.4725 Greger Kontojoki Production- - SWE U MSG
8 63.50 241.2846 Mats Ahlqvist Production- S SWE U matti MSG
9 62.05 235.7860 Rene Frederiksen Standard+ - SWE U boombox MSG
10 61.88 235.1318 Kim Sundling Production- - SWE U iskall ÖPK
11 61.58 234.0226 Torbjörn Dehlen Standard- - SWE U MSG
12 60.83 231.1585 Boris Nilsson Standard+ S SWE U mazer MSG
13 58.52 222.3768 ola malmqvist Standard+ S SWE U Msg
14 52.82 200.7187 Daniel Klöfverskjöld Production- - SWE U MSG
15 51.86 197.0673 Marek Halaburda Production- - SWE U restor MSG
16 50.26 190.9995 Andreas Håkansson Production- - SWE U MSG
17 50.22 190.8321 Petter Naef Production- - SWE U MSG
18 46.68 177.3879 Martin Johansson Production- - SWE U MSG
19 45.71 173.7039 Roger Örnberg Production- - SWE U MSG
20 43.29 164.5083 Mikael Olofsson Production- - SWE U oet MSG
21 43.27 164.4287 Johan Ericsson Production- - SWE U MSG
22 40.84 155.1870 Mats Borgström Production- S SWE U stuvaren MSG
23 38.73 147.1580 Magnus Lundh Production- - SWE U magnus MSG
24 31.14 118.3443 Richard K Production- - SWE U MSG
25 26.26 99.7746 Per Zachrison Classic+ SS SWE U zacke MSG
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