First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 706.2211 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK - SSIN
2 89.67 633.2840 Søren Larsen Production- S DNK - wessel SSIN
3 74.58 526.6668 Michael Stefansen Production- - DNK - stefansen SSIN
4 69.84 493.2570 Ronni Mathiasen Production- - DNK - VEPI
5 68.36 482.7798 Jørgen Tang Nielsen Production- - DNK - SSIN
6 67.95 479.8574 Peter Topsøe-Jensen Production- S DNK - CPS
7 53.04 374.5745 Lars Bugge Production- S DNK - SSIN / BSI
8 44.61 315.0533 Venai Ponsong Production- - DNK - SSIN
9 44.28 312.7271 jens winkler Production- - DNK - SSIN
10 43.79 309.2355 Morten Lisborg Production- - DNK - morten Reerslev Skytteforening
11 42.53 300.3621 Michael Hilt Hansen Production- - DNK - Cps/SSIN
12 14.59 103.0589 Lasse Spang Olsen Production- - DNK -
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