First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 380.0000 Per A Hansen Production- - NOR U perbh TFS
2 84.84 322.4034 Martin Lysvand Sollie Production- - NOR U martinls TFS
3 74.60 283.4728 Zoran Marjanovic Production- - NOR U zormar TFS
4 74.46 282.9304 Thomas Larsen Production- - NOR U TDS
5 72.15 274.1852 Erlend Berg Production- S NOR U erl1 TFS
6 69.12 262.6532 Christopher Skrondal Engan Production- - NOR U TFS
7 62.39 237.0911 Frode Steinnes Production- - NOR U froste TDS
8 61.76 234.6722 Tobias Hansvold Production- - NOR U TFS
9 60.00 228.0184 Trond Sørhøy Production- - NOR U tronds TDS
10 36.94 140.3877 Algirdas Kontautas Production- - NOR U algiox TFS
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