First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 721.1775 Tobias Hårdén Open+ - SWE U harden BOPS
2 98.23 708.3816 Niclas Dal Production Optics- S SWE U nickeklick SPSF
3 95.82 691.0323 Rickard Eriksson Standard+ - SWE U mrmeeseeks IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
4 92.89 669.8855 Jimmy Svensson Production- - SWE U 9mm IPSC Örebro
5 91.99 663.4301 Daniel Holmgren Production Optics- - SWE U danneh BOPS
6 90.67 653.9034 Tobias Andersson Production Optics- - SWE U toby IPSC Örebro
7 88.97 641.6395 Robin Östman Production- - SWE U wox Sandvikens IPSC
8 87.79 633.1424 Martin Jönsson Production Optics- - SWE C jartinmunson Kumla Sportskyttar
9 87.62 631.8645 Daniel Gulle Production- - SWE U gulle RJPS
10 85.83 618.9747 jaakko kangasvieri Production- - SWE U jaakko IPSC Örebro
11 85.49 616.5555 Jim Gellin Standard- - SWE U jimpa Kumla Sportskyttar
12 85.47 616.3649 David Levin Production Optics- - SWE U spislucka IPSC Örebro
13 85.31 615.2576 Michael Lindström Production- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
14 81.95 590.9748 Fredrik Ekstrand Production- - SWE U neke Sandviken IPSC
15 81.68 589.0451 Marjan Angelovski Production- - SWE U marang SPSF
16 81.09 584.7764 Peter Blomqvist Standard- - SWE U pbq HPSK
17 81.02 584.3325 Jan Mattsson Open+ SS SWE U janm Ipsc Västerås
18 80.89 583.3678 Fredrik Nilsson Standard- - SWE U pistolfredde Hudik PSK
19 79.85 575.8693 Martin Jacobsson Production- - SWE U Smedsbo PK IPSC
20 79.75 575.1531 Luis Soler Production- - SWE U luyazami UVPSK
21 79.74 575.0780 Per Wikström Production- - SWE U dalkarl Dala-MP
22 79.70 574.7874 Jim Andersson Production- - SWE U jga81 SPSF
23 79.66 574.4671 William Sandström Production Optics- - SWE U wucs Uppsala DS
24 79.65 574.3839 Johanna Andersson Production- L SWE U kaninkokerska SPSF
25 79.51 573.4245 jonas renström Production Optics- S SWE U jonas sandvikens psk
26 79.09 570.3467 Von Batti Standard+ - SWE U vonbatti FöUtb
27 78.53 566.3492 Tom Söderström Standard- - SWE U toms89 Gävle PK
28 78.45 565.7396 Linus Hagstedt Production Optics- - SWE U linush Sthlm M&P
29 78.43 565.6471 Christoffer Thander Production- - SWE U cthander ECDS
30 78.43 565.6256 Marcus Dahl Production- - SWE U mackan Bergslagens Skyttar, BESK
31 78.37 565.1899 Erik Hedman Standard- - SWE U eriklawes Ärna IF DS
32 78.10 563.2200 Tobias Åström Production- - SWE U mercs BESK
33 77.99 562.4768 Mikael Söderholm Open- - SWE U Team ONYX
34 77.80 561.0434 Peter Hladisch Production- S SWE U luckyluke GuDS
35 77.75 560.7495 Gabriel Hübinette Production Optics- - SWE U cerastes Uppsala DS
36 77.53 559.1462 Johan Nilsson Standard- - SWE U nilsson1911 IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
37 77.28 557.3577 Joel Svensson Production- - SWE U joels IPSC Örebro
38 76.87 554.3632 Edgar Striem Production Optics- S SWE U Karlstads PSK
39 75.61 545.2662 Kim Nordström Production- - SWE U nordstrom85 Bergslagens Skyttar, BESK
40 75.20 542.2993 Patrik Eriksson Production- - SWE U tacopaco Team ONYX
41 75.08 541.4931 Magnus Forssman Production- - SWE U ilawong SAPK
42 74.88 540.0226 Joakim Östby Production- - SWE U ostby228 Uppsala DS
43 74.12 534.5675 Adam Forsell Production- - SWE U valdamir Bergslagens Skyttar
44 73.77 532.0467 Johan Storm Production- - SWE U storm Dala-MP
45 73.66 531.2142 Daniel Nordström Standard+ - SWE U nordstrom Team ONYX
46 73.40 529.3645 Michael Lindblom Production- - SWE U IPSC Västerås
47 73.03 526.6820 Mikael Andersson Production- - SWE U mickemuz BOPS
48 72.74 524.5604 Anna Utter Production- L SWE U utter IPSC Smedjan, Eskilstuna
49 72.66 523.9801 Bengt Hamann Production- S SWE U hamann Besk, Bergslagens skyttar
50 72.31 521.4997 Jonas Ståhlberg Production- - SWE U Karlstads PSK
51 71.91 518.6278 Jonas Alm Standard- - SWE U jonasalm Team ONYX
52 71.89 518.4553 Jack The Ripper Production- - SWE U ripper BBSKF
53 71.62 516.5425 Robin Andersson Standard- - SWE U robin2708 Bergslagens Skyttar
54 71.62 516.5360 Patrik Fasth Production- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan ESKILSTUNA
55 71.34 514.4882 Matthieu Marchand Open- - SWE U tokamatt GUDS
56 70.94 511.5927 Jonas A Production- - SWE U fnusnu IPSC Örebro
57 70.51 508.4945 Daniel Kedestig Standard- - SWE U shooter74 Kumla Sportskyttar
58 70.14 505.8400 Jonny Arbinger Standard- S SWE U binge SPSK
59 69.91 504.1732 Martin Otterbo Production- - SWE U canton Gävle PK
60 69.62 502.0810 IPSC Sylta Classic+ - SWE U sylta Södertörns SK
61 68.89 496.8264 Erik Willner Open+ S SWE U eriwil BOPS
62 68.53 494.2047 Magnus Eklund Standard- - SWE U Gävle PK
63 67.11 483.9842 Tony Johansson Production- S SWE U alien555 Smedsbo PK
64 66.65 480.6746 Frank Räms Sundén Classic- - SWE U fralle BOPS
65 66.44 479.1397 Anders Johansson Production- S SWE U Uppsala DS
66 65.63 473.3115 Johan Skantz Production- - SWE U skantz Gävle PK
67 65.21 470.2791 Mikael Eriksson Production Optics- - SWE U mickeee94 Bofors Skjutfälts Skyttekår
68 65.07 469.2801 Jonas Eriksson Production- - SWE U eriksson85 Uppsala DS
69 64.59 465.7879 Henrik Nilsson Production- - SWE U henke Hudik PSK
70 64.13 462.4891 Erik Norbäck Standard- - SWE U goat Hudik PSK
71 63.31 456.5497 Mikael Pg Larsson Production- S SWE U krigge Bergslagens Skyttar, BESK
72 63.16 455.5060 Joel Sundstedt Production- - SWE U josu Stockholms LVF
73 63.11 455.1424 Andreas Warsén Standard- - SWE U Ärna IF DS
74 62.98 454.2037 Andreas Frank Production- - SWE U frank LPSK
75 62.72 452.3010 Robin Lennartsson Production- - SWE U lugerpastorn Bergslagens Skyttar
76 62.41 450.0920 Matts Lindberg Open+ - SWE U Bergslagens Skyttar
77 61.98 447.0074 Henry Joona Standard+ S SWE U joonix Örlb Skf
78 61.94 446.6766 Ronny Holmberg Standard- - SWE U starfighter Uppsala DS
79 61.77 445.4899 Greger Siika Standard- - SWE U manwithnoname RPK
80 61.73 445.2074 Björn Gustavsson Standard- - SWE U jehfvel Smedsbo PK
81 61.62 444.4040 Jens Syrén Production- - SWE U Bofors skjutfält skyttekår
82 61.13 440.8795 Fredrik Söderlund Production- - SWE U matusalem bergslagens skyttar
83 60.45 435.9752 Fredrik Kjellman Production- - SWE U frekjem Karlstads PSK
84 60.31 434.9315 Peter Thor Standard- SS SWE U pthor IPSC Västerås
85 59.63 430.0231 John Lindbom Open- - SWE D Linköping Shooting Club
86 59.05 425.8767 Per-Erik Lindén Production- - SWE U galtskallen Dala-MP
87 59.01 425.5853 Magnus Kumbrant Production- - SWE U yggdrasil Uppsala DS
88 57.88 417.3933 Christian Hamann Production- - SWE U hamannjr BESK, Bergslagens Skyttar
89 57.72 416.2462 Tommy Olofsson Production- - SWE U tuppa LPSK
90 57.66 415.8148 Niclas Mineur Standard- - SWE U Gävle PK
91 57.62 415.5545 Merima Åström Production- - SWE U Bergslagens Skyttar BESK
92 57.43 414.1801 Stefan Grahn Production- S SWE U mccoy IPSC Örebro
93 57.19 412.4771 Håkan Borgström Production- - SWE U hakbo S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
94 56.72 409.0869 Björn Larsson Production- - SWE U bjarven IPSC Örebro
95 55.82 402.5732 Jari Viitala Production- - SWE U Ärna IF DS
96 55.50 400.2890 Robin Andersson Production- - SWE U romeoalfa IPSC Örebro
97 53.37 384.9027 Svenne Abrahamsen Production- S SWE U 64abris BESK Bergslagens Skyttar
98 53.13 383.1524 Magnus Berg Production- - SWE U mangeb Gävle PK
99 52.89 381.4148 Thomas Bergefall Production- S SWE U Team ONYX
100 51.83 373.8138 Lars Eriksson Open- - SWE U stiltman
101 51.68 372.7125 Sonny Forsberg Revolver- S SWE U liston Gävle PK
102 51.52 371.5285 Ulf Åström Production- SS SWE U jaggaxk8 BESK
103 51.46 371.0860 Marcus Madrid Production- - SWE U madmarc IPSC Örebro
104 50.74 365.9422 Christofer Björkvall Production- - SWE U jcb SAPK
105 49.42 356.4346 Ulf Möller Production- S SWE U Kumla sportskyttar
106 47.38 341.7294 Vivi-Anne Karlsson Production- L SWE U vivianne Bergslagens Skyttar
107 47.24 340.6837 Jonas Eriksson Standard- - SWE U leadmonger Uppsala DS
108 46.19 333.1119 Stefan Svahn Standard- S SWE U swessv Bergslagens skyttar
109 45.67 329.3766 Eric Skytt Production- - SWE U skytt Bergslagens Skyttar
110 44.44 320.5179 Magnus Lundqvist Production- - SWE U 5125
111 44.18 318.6139 Lennart Eriksson Revolver- S SWE U lelle357 IPSC Örebro
112 43.45 313.3405 Per Forsberg Production- J SWE U Bergslagens Skyttar
113 41.24 297.4211 Roberto Granberg Production- - SWE U rg73 Bergslagens skyttar
114 39.35 283.8169 Anna Kastebo Hagstedt Production- - SWE U annakh Sthlm M&P
115 38.95 280.9182 Johan Berglund Classic- - SWE U BESK
116 36.22 261.2316 Isac Johansson Production- - SWE U Besk
117 35.70 257.4667 Johan Svensson Production- - SWE U Ärna IF DS
118 35.17 253.6660 Daniel Hokkanen Standard- - SWE U setharakthe BOPS
119 34.79 250.8985 Erik Johansson Revolver+ SS SWE U oldfart IPSC Örebro
120 33.51 241.6933 Anna Claesson Production- L SWE U claesson89 Bergslagens Skyttar, BESK
121 33.46 241.3253 Christoffer Åström Classic- - SWE U Bergslagens Skyttar
122 33.17 239.2403 Diana Bergefall Production- L SWE U Team ONYX
123 32.79 236.4762 Per Celander Production- - SWE U ECDS
124 32.45 234.0195 Duangkamol Hamann Production- L SWE U moon BESK
125 27.64 199.3368 Mathias Karlsson Classic+ - SWE U messias Bergslagens Skyttar, BESK
126 26.89 193.8996 Aron NotKnown Production- - SWE U zohan Ärna IF DS
127 25.86 186.5320 Lennart Danielsson Production- - SWE U speedy Dala-MP
128 25.12 181.1391 Anders Lundgren Production- - SWE U BESK
129 24.43 176.1741 Frank Werf Open- S SWE U Besk
130 23.71 170.9626 Daniel Demirian Production Optics- - SWE U BBSKF
131 18.79 135.4822 Mevludin Mujcinovic Production- - SWE U mevve Bergslagens Skyttar
132 16.98 122.4662 Margaretha Sparrfelt Production- L SWE U PK Ena
133 15.65 112.8854 Robin Bergefall Production- - SWE U Team ONYX
134 11.97 86.3434 Ingela Werf Production- S SWE U Bergslagensskyttar
135 3.91 28.2040 Karin Karlsson Production- L SWE U dixie Besk
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