First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 181.6302 Tord Andersson Standard+ - SWE U azon Torup
2 85.80 155.8412 Jens Söderlund Standard+ - SWE U jps Sandvikens Pistol Klubb
3 79.25 143.9345 Daniel Holmberg Open+ - SWE U rioter MSG
4 79.17 143.8010 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick Tyresö
5 76.02 138.0729 Peter Rydell Open+ S SWE U 2orm Uppsala
6 75.51 137.1547 Bengt Bäckström Standard+ - SWE C duracell Tyresö
7 73.70 133.8621 Janne Komminaho Open+ - SWE U janko UPS
8 73.13 132.8272 Mattias Boman Production- - SWE U oberleutnant UPS
9 71.20 129.3169 Christian Luckmann Production- - SWE U elespecia MSG Dynamiska
10 70.83 128.6515 Harry Veddevik Standard+ - SWE U harpan UPS
11 68.61 124.6215 Kenneth Karlsson Production- - SWE U knet TSK
12 67.76 123.0763 stefan melmblom Open+ S SWE U sm1 ups
13 67.59 122.7644 Jakob Ericsson Open+ - SWE U caben UPS
14 67.16 121.9812 Dennis Hansson Standard- - SWE U hansson1977 SPSF
15 66.73 121.1932 Ronny Olander Standard- - SWE U ronola55 Emmaboda SKF
16 66.45 120.6923 Tåbbe Asplind Production- - SWE U aspen Tyresö SKF IPSC
17 66.20 120.2457 Orvar Bäcklin Production- - SWE U htfu BESK
18 65.73 119.3941 Clas Öhman Production- - SWE U clisse Tyresö SKF
19 63.97 116.1868 Stefan Folke Production- - SWE U stix MSG
20 63.34 115.0396 Fredrik Björsell Production- - SWE U anselm Sthlm M&P
21 61.44 111.5879 Tomas Frisell Production- - SWE U frisse Stockholmspolisens DS
22 60.86 110.5323 Joakim Classon Production- - SWE U glockproduction Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening
23 59.49 108.0604 Magnus Granqvist Production- - SWE U kotte69 Bergslagens Skyttar
24 59.16 107.4451 Robin Bergdahl Standard- - SWE U robinb GuDs
25 58.15 105.6116 Kent Kumpula Standard- - SWE U kentk Uppsala Pistolskyttar
26 58.13 105.5805 Robert Söderström Classic+ - SWE U dvc73 MSG
27 57.12 103.7519 Marcus Castberg Production- - SWE U grandpower Torups Pk
28 57.06 103.6436 Anders Rohlen Production- - SWE U doctorglock Malmö Skyttegille
29 56.84 103.2317 Oscar Fungmark Revolver+ - SWE U funkis Emmaboda SKF
30 56.25 102.1699 Daniel Falk Standard+ - SWE U dajo75 UPS
31 55.52 100.8366 chris jonkers Standard+ - SWE U chijo GuDS
32 55.13 100.1389 Michael Bjurshagen Production- - SWE U mibj SES
33 54.27 98.5634 Bisse, F. Eliæson Standard- - SWE U bisse Tyresö SKF
34 51.58 93.6786 Madelen Berg Production- L SWE U madly Tyresö SKF
35 50.86 92.3793 Fredrik Lindblad Standard- - SWE U fastman666 SES
36 50.67 92.0283 Tariq Mahmud Standard- - SWE U check75pk MSG
37 50.59 91.8806 Andreas Bagoly Production- - SWE U baggen Tyresö skf
38 47.59 86.4308 Tommy Hellberg Standard+ - SWE U varjen UPS
39 46.69 84.7952 Peter Wanderoy Classic+ - SWE U pwanderoy UPS
40 46.29 84.0684 Erik Johansson Open- - SWE U agerik Emmaboda SKF
41 46.07 83.6724 Tomas Magnusson Production- - SWE U dontomaso SPSF
42 45.38 82.4225 Jonas Eriksson Standard- - SWE U leadmonger UPS
43 43.22 78.4967 Mathias Henricsson Standard- - SWE U glock35 StE
44 42.99 78.0739 Mikael Schelén Production- - SWE U stmichael Tyresö SKF
45 41.91 76.1135 Lars-Åke Ingemarsson Classic- S SWE U 3gun Torup
46 41.11 74.6759 Björn Sjöberg Production- - SWE U bjorns UPS
47 40.52 73.6008 Mikael Karlsson Production- - SWE U forestmike Torups Pistolskytteklubb
48 37.43 67.9780 Tord Sundqvist Standard- S SWE U fargo Tyresö
49 36.42 66.1520 Jimmy Thörnberg Standard- - SWE U oneday Emmaboda skf
50 36.36 66.0374 Teodoros Chatzissavidis Open+ - SWE U satan UPS
51 35.96 65.3233 Stefan Eriksson Production- - SWE U ster SES
52 35.60 64.6655 Mats Tunfalk Standard- S SWE U tuktech UPS
53 35.09 63.7413 Thomas Edvardsson Standard- - SWE U fader ST:ESKILS
54 31.12 56.5280 Bengt-Ole Hamilton Production- - SWE C freixenet Roslagenspistolskyttar
55 28.90 52.4834 Henrik Berlin Production- - SWE U berlin MSG
56 28.18 51.1822 Thomas Åkesson Standard- - SWE U thomas50 MSG
57 26.74 48.5627 Bobby Jansson Classic+ - SWE U bowman Roslagens Pistolskyttar
58 25.26 45.8812 Per Bohlin Berglin Production- - SWE U pebo Uppsala Pistolskyttar
59 24.79 45.0223 Thomas Eldenek Production- - SWE U tel UPS
60 22.97 41.7187 Thomas Nygren Production- - SWE U gutta1 Torup
61 22.89 41.5773 Mathias Brännvall Standard- - SWE U beaver UPS
62 22.58 41.0084 Peter Enmarker Production- - SWE U xvs1100 Roslagens Pistolskyttar
63 21.10 38.3177 Göran Majvall Open- - SWE U skaning MSG
64 18.25 33.1438 Monica Basu Production- L SWE U millibas GuDS
65 17.92 32.5477 Karl Friberg Open- - SWE U friberg Tyresö psk
66 16.15 29.3390 göran jansson Standard- SS SWE U fantomdad GUDS
67 10.64 19.3307 Örjan Tollbom Standard- SS SWE U oldiebutgoldie Emmaboda SKF
68 10.39 18.8771 Fredrik Johansson Production- - SWE U freddstone Roslagens Pistolskyttar
69 9.33 16.9479 Fredrik Skantze Production- - SWE U fredrik Roslagens Pistolskyttar
70 9.24 16.7865 Lars Brorsson Production- - SWE U harleyman Roslagens Pistolskyttar
71 6.96 12.6411 Pierre Lazzarin Production- - SWE U theone1 Roslagens Pistolskyttar
72 0.00 0.0000 Elin Esperi Production- - SWE U esperi Roslagens pistolskyttar
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