First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 256.6629 Mats O. Bäckström Standard+ - SWE U dalmas4 MSG
2 82.25 211.0993 Robert Söderström Classic+ - SWE GM dvc73 MSG
3 82.17 210.9095 Eric Carlsson Production- - SWE U ericar Torups PK
4 79.54 204.1559 Peter Kastell Production- - SWE U kastell TPK
5 78.95 202.6316 Kenneth Karlsson Production- - SWE U knet TSK
6 78.61 201.7562 Tåbbe Asplind Production- - SWE C aspen Tyresö SKF IPSC
7 73.12 187.6657 Clas Öhman Production- - SWE U clisse Tyresö SKF
8 72.06 184.9557 Max Hartow Standard+ - SWE U maxhardcore UPS
9 71.51 183.5374 Daniel Holmberg Open+ - SWE U rioter MSG
10 71.07 182.4152 Peter Rydell Open+ S SWE U 2orm Uppsala
11 71.03 182.2989 Tord Andersson Standard+ - SWE U azon Torup
12 69.86 179.3009 Ronny Olander Standard- - SWE U ronola55 Emmaboda SKF
13 66.92 171.7578 Tomas Frisell Production- - SWE U frisse Stockholmspolisens DS
14 66.33 170.2522 Lars-Åke Ingemarsson Classic+ - SWE U 3gun Torup
15 65.96 169.2918 Pär Hylander Open+ - SWE U hylander Torup / TPK
16 65.90 169.1354 Jakob Ericsson Open+ - SWE U caben UPS
17 62.54 160.5217 Bengt Bäckström Standard+ - SWE C duracell Tyresö
18 61.55 157.9761 Patrik Gren Production- - SWE U badboy Security Group Dynamics
19 60.93 156.3865 Bengt-Ole Hamilton Production- - SWE C freixenet Roslagenspistolskyttar
20 58.49 150.1111 Joakim Classon Production- - SWE U glockproduction Södertäljepolisens skytteförening
21 58.36 149.7979 Michael Bjurshagen Production- - SWE U mibj SES
22 57.19 146.7867 Robert Rob Andersson Standard- - SWE U rad Tyresö SKF
23 56.81 145.8013 Oscar Fungmark Revolver+ - SWE U funkis Emmaboda SKF
24 56.00 143.7360 Fredrik Rothén Production- - SWE U rothen Torups Pk
25 53.93 138.4093 Marcus Castberg Production- - SWE U grandpower Torups Pk
26 53.71 137.8415 Thomas Hjelm Open+ - SWE U ipscnooben Torup
27 53.55 137.4412 Mattias Boman Production- - SWE U oberleutnant UPS
28 53.27 136.7182 chris jonkers Standard+ - SWE U chijo GuDS
29 53.05 136.1581 Madelen Berg Production- L SWE U madly Tyresö SKF
30 52.64 135.0953 Erik Johansson Open- - SWE U agerik Emmaboda SKF
31 51.72 132.7373 Rickard Thorell Production- - SWE U thorell Torup
32 51.68 132.6311 Tommy Hellberg Standard+ - SWE U varjen UPS
33 50.62 129.9124 Roger Engström Standard- - SWE U slomo Tsk
34 49.99 128.3171 Mikael Thulin Standard+ - SWE U deepdiver Tyresö SKF
35 49.16 126.1741 Harry Veddevik Classic+ - SWE U harpan UPS
36 48.51 124.5125 Magnus Lindskog Production- - SWE U messer MSG Dynamiska
37 47.85 122.8042 Fredrik Lindblad Standard- - SWE U fastman666 SES
38 47.62 122.2123 Mattias Lindbom Production- - SWE U mli919 Torups PK
39 47.49 121.8764 johan warholm Standard- - SWE U hk81 Nordvest Sportsskytterlag
40 46.19 118.5536 Fredrik Björsell Production- - SWE U anselm Sthlm M&P
41 46.03 118.1374 göran jansson Standard- SS SWE U fantomdad GUDS
42 45.57 116.9625 Niklas Ekblad Production- - SWE U ekblad MLSG
43 45.42 116.5710 Björn Sjöberg Production- - SWE U bjorns UPS
44 43.75 112.2904 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick Tyresö
45 43.32 111.1797 Janne Komminaho Open+ - SWE U janko UPS
46 43.29 111.1079 Roberth Lergeborg Standard- - SWE U epsbob MSG
47 42.81 109.8723 Magnus Granath Production- - SWE U granath SPSF
48 42.20 108.3087 Daniel Lindgren Production- - SWE U ocean MSG Dynamiska
49 41.49 106.4827 Andreas Bagoly Production- - SWE U baggen Tyresö skf
50 41.11 105.5086 Robin Bergdahl Standard- - SWE U robinb GuDs
51 40.93 105.0440 Bisse, F. Eliæson Standard+ - SWE U bisse Tyresö SKF
52 39.54 101.4849 Thomas Edvardsson Standard- - SWE U fader ST:ESKILS
53 38.13 97.8607 Teddi Sörensson Production- - SWE U futump MSG
54 37.97 97.4567 Mikael Karlsson Production- - SWE U forestmike Torups Pistolskytteklubb
55 37.13 95.2906 Fredrik Johansson Production- - SWE U freddstone Roslagens Pistolskyttar
56 37.10 95.2225 Mats Tunfalk Standard- S SWE U tuktech UPS
57 36.36 93.3176 Örjan Tollbom Standard- SS SWE U oldiebutgoldie Emmaboda SKF
58 36.06 92.5591 Stefan Eriksson Production- - SWE U ster SES
59 35.25 90.4708 Toni Kaic Standard- - SWE U kaic Torups PK
60 34.74 89.1565 Jimmy Thörnberg Standard- - SWE U oneday Emmaboda skf
61 34.19 87.7634 Bobby Jansson Classic+ - SWE U bowman Roslagens Pistolskyttar
62 33.88 86.9663 Mathias Brännvall Production- - SWE U beaver UPS
63 33.15 85.0719 Jonas Eriksson Standard- - SWE U leadmonger UPS
64 32.98 84.6473 Adam Goding Production- - SWE U adampadam Tyresö SKF
65 32.94 84.5561 Fredrik Skantze Production- - SWE U fredrik Roslagens Pistolskyttar
66 30.61 78.5761 Göran Majvall Open- - SWE U skaning MSG
67 28.02 71.9199 Joakim Rehnvall Production- - SWE U thunder73 Torups PK
68 24.25 62.2456 Monica Basu Production- L SWE U millibas GuDS
69 22.98 58.9864 Pierre Lazzarin Production- - SWE U theone1 Roslagens Pistolskyttar
70 22.62 58.0465 Jakob Willborg Standard- - SWE U wil Malmö Skyttegille Dynamiska sektionen
71 20.78 53.3450 Fredrik Casserstål Standard- - SWE U cotheze Emmaboda skytteförening
72 20.46 52.5106 Tomas Magnusson Production- - SWE U dontomaso SPSF
73 19.42 49.8493 Mikael Schelén Production- - SWE U stmichael Tyresö SKF
74 18.90 48.5090 Staffan Liljestrand Production- - SWE U ozz Tyresö IPSC
75 14.95 38.3637 Stefan Folke Standard- - SWE U stix MSG
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