First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 416.2783 Tobias Hårdén Open+ - SWE U harden BOPS
2 83.04 345.6939 Daniel Holmgren Production- - SWE U danneh BOPS
3 77.18 321.2783 Mikael Andersson Production- - SWE U mickemuz BOPS
4 67.86 282.5064 Daniel Mattsson Production- - SWE U matzione BOPS
5 59.68 248.4414 Pär Iwers Standard+ - SWE U iwers BOPS
6 56.73 236.1688 Tobias Gustafsson Standard+ - SWE U tobbeg77 BOPS
7 55.68 231.7885 Thomas Carlsson Open+ S SWE U tsac BOPS
8 42.17 175.5259 Erik Willner Standard- S SWE U eriwil BOPS
9 27.08 112.7420 Thomas Stenberg Production- - SWE U tst Borlänge PS
10 26.92 112.0576 Johan Stegarås Production- - SWE U Borlänge PS
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