First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 807.2237 Eddie Smith Open+ S ZAF A Golden City
2 99.91 806.5252 Davin Vincent Giles Open+ S ZAF U Golden City
3 99.58 803.8675 Wanda Zama Production Optics- - ZWE A zamalek Vektor
4 99.52 803.3136 Pieter Bouwer Open+ - ZAF U pieter Golden City
5 91.61 739.4907 Justin Peacock Standard+ - ZAF A Golden City / CGPSA
6 88.91 717.7311 Freddie Labuschagne Standard+ - ZAF A freddie Golden City
7 88.17 711.7289 Kenny Van Der Merwe Open+ S ZWE A Snipers
8 86.67 699.6050 Pieter Burger Open- - ZAF A Golden City
9 86.11 695.0675 Mo Osman Production Optics- - ZWE U
10 84.38 681.1050 Pravesh Magan Open+ - ZAF C Golden City
11 83.96 677.7303 Joel Cohen Open+ SS ZAF A Golden City
12 83.11 670.8712 Jason Coetzee Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
13 82.24 663.8506 Carlo Belletti Open+ SS ZAF U Goldencity
14 79.01 637.8192 Dawid Van Reenen Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF B Golden City
15 77.90 628.8264 Neelesh Dullabh Open+ - ZAF C golden city
16 76.97 621.3011 Steven Wells Production- - ZWE B Spartan Arms
17 76.28 615.7581 Lionel Marks Standard+ - ZAF U Golden city
18 75.68 610.9275 Herman Potgieter Standard- S ZWE A harrycane Golden City
19 73.67 594.7189 Leroy Barter Open+ S ZAF A Golden City
20 73.64 594.4089 Terry Calivitis Production- S ZWE U Spartan
21 73.62 594.3131 James Selwyn Vaughan Open+ SS ZAF B jimv RPSC
22 73.39 592.4136 Walter Dajee Open+ S ZWE U daj SNIPERS PSC
23 73.05 589.6891 Peter Lindstrom Production Optics- - ZWE B Vektor
24 71.86 580.1004 Neil Hunter Production- - ZAF A GCPSC
25 71.51 577.2526 Darryl Flannigan Production- - ZAF A 699 Golden City
26 70.87 572.1029 Ronel Barter Open+ S ZAF B Golden City
27 70.86 571.9610 Dawid Van Reenen Standard+ - ZAF B Golden City
28 70.06 565.5054 Peter Holmes Open+ SS ZWE C pistol Spartan
29 69.72 562.7653 Jose Cardoso Standard+ - ZWE A Spartan
30 68.83 555.6389 Wessel Strydom Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
31 67.91 548.1743 Sean Flannigan Production- - ZAF A irish Golden City
32 66.95 540.4329 Frans Pieterse Production- - ZAF C Golden City
33 66.95 540.4070 Coert Erasmus Open+ S ZAF U Golden City
34 66.51 536.8905 Anthony Kruger Open+ S ZAF U tony CG4991
35 66.28 535.0191 Bardev Rowjee Open- SS ZAF C Golden City Shooting Club
36 66.26 534.8836 Mark Atkins Production Optics- S ZAF A Golden City
37 65.67 530.0675 Craig John Aspden Production- - ZAF A CG3477
38 65.66 529.9918 Lei Ruan Open- S ZWE C peter Broadway Shooting Club
39 65.32 527.2434 Martin Lowe Open+ SS ZAF U Roodepoort
40 64.53 520.9110 Kassie Carstens Production- - ZAF B kassie CG3847
41 64.32 519.2290 Andre Aike Baars Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF U Golden City
42 63.70 514.1982 Andy Charalambous Standard+ SS ZWE U Spartan Arms
43 63.48 512.4608 Moosa Mangera Standard+ - ZAF B Golden City
44 63.24 510.4639 David M Coetzee Open+ S ZAF D Golden City
45 62.81 507.0228 Claudio Massella Open+ S ZAF C Roodepoort
46 61.51 496.5602 Rahul Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U golden city
47 61.28 494.6434 Js Fischer Standard+ L ZWE C
48 61.02 492.5458 Niko Min Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
49 59.82 482.8872 Michael Coutts Open+ S ZAF C daktari Golden City Shoting Club
50 59.70 481.9498 Clive Pedersen Open+ SS ZAF B Golden City
51 59.66 481.5788 Wyn Robertson Production Optics- - ZAF C VEKTOR
52 59.62 481.2681 cHris Marais Open+ SS ZAF B Goldencity
53 59.00 476.2825 Marco Guedes Production- - ZWE C Spartan Arms International
54 58.18 469.6301 William De Jager Production- - ZWE U onespeed NW994
55 57.90 467.3546 Nick Wesley Smuts Standard+ - ZAF C CG1278
56 57.85 466.9659 Brent John Aspden Production Optics- J ZAF B CG4477
57 57.75 466.1319 Keith Christopher Askham Open+ SS ZAF U jetjungle Golden City
58 56.30 454.4353 Shaun Gao Production Optics- - ZAF U Golden city
59 54.71 441.6348 Clark Duffield Production- - ZAF U Roodepoort
60 54.43 439.3409 Shyam Jagwanth Production- - ZAF U Golden City
61 54.34 438.6596 Tony Rodrigues Production- - ZAF C Golden City
62 54.34 438.6228 Kevin Trollip Production Optics- - ZAF U GCPSC
63 52.50 423.7596 Yasvant Ramjee Open+ SS ZAF C C G P S A
64 52.10 420.5319 Glen Kruger Standard+ - ZAF U Golden city
65 51.51 415.7913 Neale Goddard Production- - ZAF U Golden City
66 51.29 414.0239 Rui Freitas Standard+ - ZAF U jdpc
67 51.15 412.9093 Hilton Fischer Standard+ - ZAF D Golden City
68 50.13 404.6503 Keith Trollip Standard- - ZAF U GCPSC
69 49.98 403.4425 Heinz Gunter Max Tischmann Open+ SS ZAF C Rpsc
70 49.97 403.4062 Minette Burger Open- L ZAF U Golden City
71 47.90 386.6820 Lynn Aspden Production Optics- L ZAF U CG4714
72 47.59 384.1558 Robert Kimm Standard+ S ZAF U Roodeport
73 47.46 383.0829 Albert Ludick Production- - ZAF U Golden City
74 45.99 371.2647 Colin De Souza Classic- S ZAF C Golden City
75 45.97 371.0684 Herman Haasbroek Production Optics- - ZAF U Golden City
76 45.66 368.5498 J.J. Smith Production- - ZAF U jaco Golden City
77 44.06 355.6613 Adrian Chinery Production- S ZAF U Roodepoort
78 43.85 353.9813 Tehillah Van Reenen Standard- L ZAF U Golden city
79 42.88 346.1710 Nigel Legge Production- S ZAF U Roodepoort
80 41.97 338.7560 Ryan Pakari Standard- - ZWE D Vaal triangle
81 41.94 338.5250 Enver Tim Standard+ SS ZAF U golden city
82 41.36 333.8448 Sashikant Gopal Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City Shooting
83 39.98 322.7238 Seekunder Khan Open+ SS ZAF D Golden City
84 38.61 311.6437 Max Cassco Standard- S ZAF U max Golden City Shooting Club
85 38.46 310.4308 Mark Leong Classic+ S ZAF U Golden City
86 37.66 304.0006 Johan Esterhuizen Production- S ZAF U Roodepoort
87 35.82 289.1788 Etienne Francois Bekker Standard+ S ZAF C golden city
88 35.13 283.6079 Steven Barrett Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
89 35.10 283.3559 Gerhard Erasmus Production- S ZAF U Golden City
90 34.51 278.5367 Marlin Kops Standard+ - ZWE U Port Elizabeth Rifle and Pistol Club
91 33.83 273.0945 Nadeem Bhyat Production- S ZAF U Golden City
92 32.04 258.5990 Mohammed Suliman Ismail Standard- - ZWE U CenterFire NW0021
93 31.35 253.0950 Ryan Swanepoel Production- J ZAF U Roodepoort Practical Shooting Club
94 31.04 250.5410 Johan Swanepoel Production- - ZAF U Roodepoort Practical Shooting Club
95 29.80 240.5739 Ryno Van Der Spuy Classic+ S ZAF U Golden City
96 29.72 239.8738 Ally Hassen Open- - ZAF U Golden City Shooting Club
97 29.08 234.7453 Peter Williams Production- S ZAF U Roodepoort
98 28.86 232.9973 Gideon Jouber Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
99 28.21 227.7334 Ramdas Dayaljee Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
100 25.88 208.9485 Imraan Hoosen Production- - ZWE U Vaal triangle
101 13.33 107.6248 Schlomo Schwartz Production Optics- - ZAF U Golden city
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