First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 646.7184 Lars Hagemann Production Optics- S DNK - hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
2 97.60 631.1824 Jan Guldbrandsen Open+ S DNK - SSIN
3 90.76 586.9821 David K. Grainger Production Optics- - DNK - grainger SSIN
4 88.14 570.0414 Michael Randrup Production Optics Light- - DNK - randrup DKYX
5 86.52 559.5103 Dennis Jakobsen Production Optics- - DNK - dennisipsc SSIN
6 84.40 545.8432 Henrik Lerfeldt Open+ S DNK - bookkeeper SSIN
7 81.86 529.4150 Rasmus Wordolff Production Optics Light- - DNK - dolff DKYX
8 81.61 527.7779 Søren Larsen Production Optics- S DNK - wessel SSIN
9 81.50 527.1048 Flemming Jensen Production- - DNK - snestorm SSIN
10 80.51 520.6492 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK - jan63 SSIN
11 80.13 518.1868 Kristian Bartholin Open+ - DNK - bartholin Ssin
12 78.53 507.8564 Aleksandar Duracov Open+ - DNK - Ssin
13 78.14 505.3458 Henrik Haumann Production Optics- S DNK - hhau SSIN
14 77.77 502.9525 Runi Skoubjerg Standard+ - DNK - kennakenna SAS/SSIN
15 74.75 483.4395 Rasmus Andersen Standard- - DNK - RSF
16 72.21 466.9925 Jess Lund Open+ - DNK - jess SSIN
17 70.56 456.3200 Torben G. Skjoldborg Standard- - DNK - SSIN
18 69.75 451.0932 Kenneth Ammentorp Standard- - DNK - lapuam Grenå Skyttekreds
19 68.46 442.7150 Jannich Low Production- - DNK - jlow SSIN
20 67.98 439.6448 Anders Peter Egeskov Open- - DNK - SSIN
21 67.96 439.5042 Michael Schow Rasmussen Open+ - DNK - schowipsc SSIN
22 64.23 415.4179 Flemming Hansen Standard- S DNK - Opsf
23 62.70 405.5142 Jens-Micael Johansen Standard- - DNK - jensmicael SSIN
24 61.26 396.1877 Henning Andersen Production Optics Light- - DNK - Bornholms Værns Idrætsforening
25 59.70 386.0920 Peter Herstad Open+ - DNK - peter SSIN/HSF-FALCON
26 59.09 382.1757 Claus Henneberg Production Optics- - DNK - noxie SSIN
27 58.98 381.4022 Nick Ravn Standard- - DNK - darkside SSIN
28 58.07 375.5702 Karsten Erfort Production- - DNK - erfort DKYX
29 52.99 342.6907 Kim Wiencken Classic- S DNK - ventureshooter SSIN
30 52.75 341.1616 Christian Skott Johansen Production- - DNK - Copenhagen Practical Shooters
31 49.77 321.8525 Steen Pico Nielsen Revolver- SS DNK - pico SSIN
32 49.64 321.0477 Christian Rasmussen Standard- - DNK - SSIN
33 47.87 309.6047 Tom Sørensen Production- - DNK - t0m SSIN
34 46.26 299.1541 Perry Larsen Open+ S DNK - locksmith SSIN
35 44.27 286.3253 Lars Bugge Production- S DNK - SSIN / BSI
36 41.98 271.5015 Hans Jorgen Jensen Standard- SS DNK - hjj39 ssin
37 39.20 253.4937 Dannie Høg Production- - DNK - Lynge Uggeløse
38 35.93 232.3451 Christoffer Søe Production- - DNK - SIF
39 34.39 222.3874 Klaus Notknown Standard- - DNK - SSIN
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