First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 172.1875 James Pearman Custom- - GBR U Bcrpa
2 96.16 165.5769 Gareth Biddle Custom+ SS GBR U Worcester Norton SC
3 76.38 131.5101 Nick Andrew Custom- S GBR U BCR&PA
4 72.58 124.9651 Russell Hicks Custom- S GBR U gbruss Worcester Norton SC
5 69.37 119.4510 Pat Blaney Custom- S GBR U WNSC
6 67.70 116.5757 Christopher Jones Custom- - GBR U Worcester Norton Shooting Club
7 59.87 103.0804 Bob Oakley Custom- SS USA U WNSC
8 45.97 79.1500 Nick Weber Custom- SS GBR U BCRPA
9 44.46 76.5485 Keith Howell Custom- SS GBR U FDPC
10 30.96 53.3127 Simon Jones Custom- - GBR U Worcester Norton Shooting Club
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