First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 275.6305 Martin Nilsson Standard- - SWE U nilma P4 DS
2 88.95 245.1612 Urban Wennström Standard- - SWE U urwe P4 DS
3 84.53 232.9946 Fredrik Andersson Standard- - SWE U
4 53.03 146.1574 Johan Bogg Standard- - SWE U docj P4 DS
5 50.61 139.4967 David Johansson Standard- - SWE U P4 dynamiska skyttar
6 37.69 103.8729 Christopher Granqvist Standard- - SWE U P4 DS
7 17.94 49.4524 Åsa Grehag Dahlstedt Standard- L SWE U P4DS
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