First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 377.9874 Jonas Klinkhammer Open- - DEU U ozryel Action Shooting e.V.
2 72.50 274.0521 Roman Thomas Open+ S DEU U SSV Rhein Ruhr
3 68.10 257.3932 Lars Banning Open- - DEU U SSV Rhein-Ruhr
4 65.06 245.9231 Michael Kalt Open+ S DEU U Magnum Bonn
5 54.37 205.5092 Arnd Schebstadt Open- S DEU U Magnum Bonn
6 38.51 145.5681 Joachim Neu Open- - DEU U SSF Lennestadt e. V.
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