First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 366.2075 Per Vangsnes Production Optics- SS NOR U perv SSL
2 88.61 324.4914 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production Optics- S NOR C snowyturtle NOP
3 83.88 307.1779 Ståle Støvland Production Optics- S NOR U chiroptera21 OKTS
4 74.58 273.1249 Rolf Meum Production Optics- SS NOR C spitfire18 SSL
5 70.20 257.0712 Pål Stranger-Johannessen Production Optics- S NOR U stranger1 OKTS
6 49.09 179.7560 Aage Nymark Production Optics- S NOR U anymark OKTS
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