First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 482.0713 Glen Hylander Production- - NOR C ghylander SSL
2 94.36 454.8847 Morten Klov Production- S NOR U morten SSL
3 87.28 420.7522 Henrik Mellbye Production- - NOR U henmel OKTS
4 84.94 409.4797 Trond Løkke Production- - NOR B tchl OKTS
5 77.20 372.1448 Morten Holland Production- - NOR U hollando EPK
6 76.63 369.4232 Bjørn-Erik Alexandersen Production- - NOR U pewpew OKTS
7 66.65 321.3043 Olav Delphin Production- S NOR C flipper61 OKTS
8 66.57 320.8972 Raymond Atterås Production- - NOR U rayray OKTS
9 62.69 302.2285 Nora Gundersen Production- L NOR U OKTS
10 60.28 290.5914 Anders Martin Production- S NOR U mrrealtime OKTS
11 42.42 204.4826 Tomas Bjerved Production- - NOR U tomas Okts
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