4. results return

PTS TIME First name Last name DIV CAT Club
1 100.00 60.0000 5.3619 60 11.19 Mark Sandford Open - Mayfair Shooting Centre
2 70.51 42.3062 3.7807 60 15.87 Kevin Strowger Standard S CSAC
3 67.57 40.5435 3.6232 60 16.56 Simon Lofthouse Standard - CSAC
4 65.67 39.4014 3.5211 60 17.04 Richard Burton Standard S North Cotes Butts
5 64.72 38.8317 3.4702 60 17.29 Anthony Witts Open SS BCRPA
6 62.55 37.5293 3.3538 60 17.89 Edward Buttler Standard Manual - North Cotes Butts
7 60.32 36.1941 3.2345 60 18.55 Andy Haines Standard - HPC
8 60.23 36.1356 3.2293 60 18.58 Robert Brittain Standard - Red Dragon
9 59.14 35.4863 3.1712 60 18.92 Conor Kenneally Standard Manual S Oundle rifle and pistol club
10 56.72 34.0294 3.0411 60 19.73 Robin Lee Open - FDPC
11 56.52 33.9091 3.0303 60 19.80 David Elliott Standard Manual - Mayfair shooting centre
12 56.34 33.8066 3.0211 60 19.86 Nick Wilkes Standard - HPC Harlow Practical Club
13 55.92 33.5532 2.9985 60 20.01 Robert Mathiesen Standard - ORPC
14 54.45 32.6715 2.9197 60 20.55 Gary Waugh Standard - Mayfair Shooting Centre
15 54.29 32.5764 2.9112 60 20.61 Corey J Smith Standard - HPC Harlow Practical Club
16 53.77 32.2633 2.8832 60 20.81 Brian Elliott Standard Manual - Mayfair Shooting Centre
17 53.11 31.8652 2.8477 60 21.07 Robert Willis Open - Red Dragon PSG
18 52.71 31.6251 2.8262 60 21.23 Graeme Cooper Standard S Stourport Pistol & Rifle Club
19 52.56 31.5359 2.8182 60 21.29 Shez Lodhi Standard - ORPC
20 52.46 31.4768 2.8129 60 21.33 Brendon Jones Standard - Mayfair sc
21 50.73 30.4352 2.7199 60 22.06 Steve J Smith Standard S HPC Harlow Practical Club
22 49.23 29.5381 2.6397 60 22.73 Vanessa Duffy Standard SS
23 49.10 29.4603 2.6327 60 22.79 Chris Wakefield Modified - APC
24 48.17 28.9023 2.5829 60 23.23 Andrew Hatfield Standard Manual - Oundle Rifle and Pistol
25 48.15 28.8898 2.5818 60 23.24 Steve Guymer Standard S ORPC
26 47.88 28.7291 2.5674 60 23.37 Lincoln Morrow Standard - BCR&PA
27 47.22 28.3291 2.5316 60 23.70 Andy Ramsay Standard - CSAC
28 47.08 28.2457 2.5242 60 23.77 David Peacock Standard Manual SS Red Dragon PSG
29 46.55 27.9285 2.4958 60 24.04 Michelle Lumley Standard L HPC Harlow Practical Club
30 45.84 27.5051 2.4580 60 24.41 Walter Robinson Standard Manual S Glasgow and District
31 44.32 26.5901 2.3762 60 25.25 Caroline Askew Standard L
32 43.37 26.0233 2.3256 60 25.80 Chris Young Standard - HPC
33 42.34 25.4030 2.2701 60 26.43 Edmund Putwain Standard - (NMP&RC) RedFlag
34 41.29 24.7749 2.2140 60 27.10 Allen Ardron Modified SS North Cotes
35 41.06 24.6385 2.2018 60 27.25 Carl Owen Standard - Harlow Practical
36 40.81 24.4858 2.1882 60 27.42 Richard Clifton Standard Manual - ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
37 40.05 24.0301 2.1475 60 27.94 Paul westbury Standard SS North Cotes Butts
38 39.86 23.9188 2.1375 60 28.07 Karl Pizzie Standard - Stourport Pistol & Rifle Clubr
39 39.50 23.6993 2.1179 60 28.33 Scott Bailey Standard - Red Dragon Psg
40 39.28 23.5662 2.1060 60 28.49 Robert Forbes Standard - Stourport Pistol & Rifle Club
41 39.14 23.4837 2.0986 60 28.59 David Ramage Standard SS Shandon rifle and pistol club
42 38.81 23.2882 2.0812 60 28.83 Andrew DUFFY Standard S METROPOLITAN POLICE SHOOTING CLUB
43 37.88 22.7285 2.0311 60 29.54 Nick Weber Standard SS BCRPA
44 37.75 22.6518 2.0243 60 29.64 Chris Chunsi Standard - (NMP&RC) RedFlag
45 37.68 22.6061 2.0202 60 29.70 Ian Lambert Open - North Cotes Butts
46 37.49 22.4925 2.0101 60 29.85 Christian Marper Standard - (NMP&RC) Red Flag
47 37.15 22.2908 1.9920 60 30.12 Kevin Coupland Modified - North Cotes Butts
48 37.04 22.2244 1.9861 60 30.21 Abe Pepler Standard - North Cotes Butts
49 36.79 22.0710 1.9724 60 30.42 Andy Welch Standard Manual S BCR&PA
50 36.49 21.8911 1.9563 60 30.67 Robert Tryner Standard Manual - ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
51 36.17 21.7001 1.9392 60 30.94 Peter Savage Standard SS North Cotes Butts
52 36.16 21.6931 1.9386 60 30.95 Dave Barbara Open - FDPC
53 33.36 20.0179 1.7889 60 33.54 Dave Holmes Open - FDPC
54 33.14 19.8816 1.7767 60 33.77 John Lagden Standard S harlow practical club
55 33.03 19.8170 1.7710 60 33.88 Paul Allen Standard - NMP&RC (Team Red Flag)
56 32.95 19.7703 1.7668 60 33.96 Sally Lee Standard L ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
57 32.57 19.5402 1.7462 60 34.36 Adam Kendrick Standard - Red Dragon PSG
58 32.41 19.4440 1.7376 60 34.53 Bruce Gould Standard S ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
59 32.03 19.2158 1.7172 60 34.94 Bill Morris Modified SS North Cotes Butts
60 31.91 19.1446 1.7109 60 35.07 Morgan Handford Standard - Red Dragon
61 31.75 19.0522 1.7026 60 35.24 Nick Ward Open - BCR&PA
62 31.46 18.8755 1.6868 60 35.57 Frank Hopkins Standard SS North Cotes Butts
63 30.76 18.4552 1.6493 60 36.38 Pat Savage Modified L North Cotes Butts
64 30.39 18.2347 1.6295 60 36.82 Claire Ardron Modified SS North Cotes
65 29.68 17.8090 1.5915 60 37.70 Steve Lee Standard Manual S ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
66 29.53 17.7197 1.5835 60 37.89 Helen Boyd Modified L North Cotes Butts
67 29.51 17.7057 1.5823 60 37.92 Nigel Claxton Standard S ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
68 29.13 17.4798 1.5621 60 38.41 John Clifton Standard - ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
69 28.60 17.1582 1.5334 60 39.13 Nick Andrew Standard - BCRPA
70 28.19 16.9118 1.5113 60 39.70 Keith Howell Standard Manual SS FDPC
71 28.05 16.8313 1.5041 60 39.89 Russell Jones Standard Manual S Red Dragon PSG
72 27.64 16.5860 1.4822 60 40.48 Tony Geddes Standard Manual - Oundle Pistol and rifle club
73 27.23 16.3405 1.4603 50 34.24 David Harvey Standard S ORPC
74 27.14 16.2843 1.4553 60 41.23 Nick Bonsor Modified S North Cotes Butts
75 26.98 16.1861 1.4465 60 41.48 Alistair Jupe Standard Manual - ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
76 26.74 16.0430 1.4337 60 41.85 Ian Bowles Standard Manual S orpc
77 26.57 15.9440 1.4248 60 42.11 Steve Kenny Standard Manual - -
78 25.80 15.4807 1.3834 60 43.37 Moe Willis Standard J Red Dragon PSG
79 25.15 15.0876 1.3483 60 44.50 Andy Walker Standard Manual - Stourport Pistol and Rifle Club
80 24.86 14.9156 1.3329 45 33.76 Steve Webb Standard - Red Dragon PSG
81 24.67 14.8049 1.3230 60 45.35 Martin Phillips Standard Manual - Oundle Rifle & Pistol Club
82 23.70 14.2216 1.2709 60 47.21 Tony French Standard - FDPC
83 23.54 14.1228 1.2621 60 47.54 John Clifton Standard SS ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
84 23.08 13.8462 1.2374 60 48.49 Ellis Butler Custom - ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
85 22.94 13.7610 1.2298 60 48.79 Muhammad Sharafat Standard - Oundle Rifle & Pistol Club {ORPC}
86 22.88 13.7273 1.2267 60 48.91 Paul Mason Standard S Harlow Practical Club
87 22.76 13.6547 1.2203 60 49.17 Jim Stone Standard Manual S ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
88 22.74 13.6463 1.2195 60 49.20 Ian Driver Standard Manual - Red Dragon
89 22.13 13.2793 1.1867 60 50.56 Kevin Mcclumpha Standard S ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
90 21.97 13.1828 1.1781 60 50.93 Brian Llewellyn Modified - Red dragon
91 21.88 13.1261 1.1730 60 51.15 Allan Belcher Standard SS Red Dragon PSG
92 21.40 12.8399 1.1474 60 52.29 Graham Baré Standard - Harlow Practical Club
93 21.15 12.6871 1.1338 60 52.92 Charlie Wells Custom S ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
94 20.58 12.3465 1.1033 60 54.38 Ben Sugg Standard Manual - FDPC
95 20.00 12.0000 1.0724 60 55.95 Eddie Jones Standard - Stourport Pistol & Rifle Club
96 19.86 11.9169 1.0650 60 56.34 Kevin Miles Standard - Red Dragon
97 19.42 11.6542 1.0415 60 57.61 Andy Stevenson Standard Manual -
98 18.40 11.0391 0.9865 60 60.82 Gary Lockwood Standard Manual - Stourport Pistol & Rifle Club
99 18.34 11.0030 0.9833 60 61.02 Alan White Standard - Stourport Pistol & Rifle Club
100 17.20 10.3213 0.9224 60 65.05 Karel Deeley Modified SS FDPC
101 16.90 10.1374 0.9059 60 66.23 Matthew Bolton Standard - Stourport Pistol and Rifle Club
102 15.77 9.4590 0.8453 60 70.98 Andrew James Brown Standard Manual - Red Dragon
103 15.72 9.4324 0.8429 60 71.18 John Down Standard - FDPC
104 15.19 9.1124 0.8143 60 73.68 Peter Dronfield Open SS ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
105 14.92 8.9520 0.8000 60 75.00 Tim Holmes Standard S Red Dragon PSG
106 14.35 8.6121 0.7696 60 77.96 Kris Tanaka Custom S ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
107 13.51 8.1067 0.7245 60 82.82 Graeme Cushion Open SS North Cotes Butts
108 12.70 7.6174 0.6807 60 88.14 Steve Coe Standard Manual S FDPC
109 12.67 7.6019 0.6793 20 29.44 Des Greaves Open - Stourport pistol and rifle club
None disqualified for this division/category
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